Steps to Build an Android Application for Multiplication Table

We will follow the Steps in the order they are mentioned below to create the application.

Step 1: Create a new Android Application and Name it Program_Multiplication_Table with the Empty layout.

Note: We have used the name of the Program_Multiplication_Table as the Name of the Application. Please change the package name if you are using different name.

Step 2: Open the activity_main.xml (values>layout>activity_main.xml) file where we will be creating the layout of the application.

Step 3: In activity_main.xml file add TextView, EditText, and a Button.

The Component Tree will look like this :

Step 4: Assign ID to each component

Step 5: Now, open up the MainActivity file and declare the variables.

Step 6: Read the values entered in the EditText boxes using an ID that has been set in the XML code above.

Step 7: Add a click listener to the Add button

Step 8: When the Add button has been clicked we need to Multiply the values and store it in Buffer

Step 9: Then show the resultant output in the TextView by setting the buffer in the TextView.

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