Steps to Create a Persistent TailsOS USB

Follow the below steps to Create a Persistent TailsOS USB

Step 1: Go to and click on Download Tails.


Step 2: Verify the downloaded ISO by clicking on Select You Download and Upload the Downloaded TailsOS File to see if it was damaged or corrupted during the download. One security flaw may risk your anonymity


Step 3: After successfully downloading TailsOS, we’ll next download BalenaEtcher to flash the ISO to a USB drive.

Go to the link and install it on your device.


Step 4: Now, Run BalenaEtcher, click on Flash from a file, and select the TailsOS file to flash.


Step 5: Then, select the target USB. Note: Take a look at the USB first to ensure you don’t lose any important data because this operation will erase all the data on it.

Finally, Click on Flash to flash the TailsOS on the targeted USB. After the completion, a Flash Complete! the screen will up. Simply exit the BalenaEtcher now.


Step 6: Shut down your computer, restart it, then select TailsOS from the Boot Menu.


After booting TailsOS, you’ll be on this screen.


Step 7: You can simply click on Start Tails to enter the Home or You can click on [ + ] sign under Additional Settings for more custom settings, then you’ll be on this page.


  • Administration Password: You can enable it to perform Administration Tasks.
  • MAC Address Anonymization: Spoofs the MAC Address.
  • Offline Mode: You can completely disable networking for the session to increase your anonymity.
  • Unsafe Browser: Allows you to sign in to the network using the captive portal.
  • Network Connection: Tor Connection Configuration [ Now moved in integrated Desktop ].

We will simply Start Tails without any Advanced Settings.

Step 8: Now Click on Configure Persistent Storage from Taskbar > Application > System Tools > Configure Persistent Storage.


Step 9: A prompt will appear now, asking you to create a password for the persistent storage. Create a Strong Password and then click on Create.


Step 10: Now select what you have to store in persistent storage. for eg. Personal Files, Bookmarks, etc. and click Save.


Step 11: After processing, it will prompt you to Restart Tails to Apply the Changes. Click Restart


Step 12: When you restart, you’ll find a new section in the Welcome screen of Tails! i.e. Encrypted Persistent Storage. Enter your password and click Unlock. It will Unlock and click on Start tails.


Step 13: Now you’ll find a new folder in the Home directory i.e. Persistent.


Files and folders in this directory will no longer be deleted automatically until you delete them.

How to create an Encrypted Persistent TailsOS USB?

Tails, or The Amnesic Incognito Live System is a Debian-based Live Linux Operating System that offers online privacy, anonymity, and defense against online surveillance. It comes pre-installed with cutting-edge privacy and anonymity tools like Tor Browser, Tor Network, OnionShare, Electrum, Cryptographic Tools, and several privacy-focused web browser extensions like NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere.

Note: To enhance anonymity, TailsOS wipes the USB drive’s data by default, so we must set up persistent storage to avoid it from deleting the particular file we’ve chosen.

Why use TailsOS?

Keeping user privacy and online anonymity secure, it does not leave any traces of usage or user data on the computer it’s running on. This is because it doesn’t use the computer’s hard disk by default. TailsOS sends all incoming and outgoing network traffic through a number of Tor nodes also encrypts the data and further enhances anonymity. Every app in TailsOS is set up to use the Tor network.

TailsOS is mostly used to visit the deep and dark web because it is said that using tails is one of the best way to stay anonymous and hide your identity.

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Steps to Create a Persistent TailsOS USB

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