Steps to Create Custom Permalinks in WordPress

Step 1: Access the Permalink Settings

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • In the admin menu, go to Settings > Permalinks.

Step 2: Choose a Permalink Structure

  • In the Permalink Settings page, you will see several common permalink structures, such as Plain, Day and name, Month and name, Numeric, Post name, Custom Structure.
  • Select the “Custom Structure” option to create your own permalink structure.

Step 3: Customize Your Permalink Structure

  • In the Custom Structure field, enter your desired permalink structure using the available tags. Common tags include:
    • %postname% – The post slug (post title)
    • %category% – The category of the post
    • %year% – The year the post was published
    • %monthnum% – The month the post was published
    • %day% – The day the post was published
  • For example, if you want your permalinks to include the post name and category, you can use the following structure: /%category%/%postname%/

Step 4: Save Changes

  • Click on the “Save Changes” button to save your custom permalink structure.

Step 5: Test Your Permalinks

  • Visit some of your posts and pages to ensure that the new permalink structure is working correctly.
  • Click on the links to make sure they lead to the correct content.

How to Create Custom Permalinks in WordPress?

Permalinks in WordPress are the permanent URLs of the posts, pages, and other content on your website. By default, WordPress uses a standard permalink structure that includes the post ID and the post title. However, you can customize your permalinks to make them more user-friendly and SEO-friendly.

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Steps to Create Custom Permalinks in WordPress

Step 1: Access the Permalink Settings...