Steps To Create EBS Volume Uisng REX-RAY Plugin In Docker

Follow the steps mentioned below to create ebs volume

Step 1: Use the following command to create ebs volume using rex ray plugin.

docker volume create -d rexray/ebs mongobdbsvolumenew
  • rexray/ebs : Name of the Driver.
  • mongobdbsvolumenew: Name of the volume to create.

As shown in the image below the volume will be created.

Step 3: Go to the AWS Console and check the volume was created or not as show in the image below.

What Is Docker REX – RAY Plugin ?

The Docker REX- RAY plugin is mainly used to attach the external volumes to our containers which are running in the containerization platforms. REX-RAY is a plugin that is written in the go-language it will not be available locally you need to download the plugin. REX – RAY plugin provides EBS volumes to the docker containers.

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