Steps to Create the Backend

Step 1: Set up Backend Project using the Command:

npm inti -y

Step 2: Navigate to the Project folder using:

cd <name of project>

The updated dependencies in package.json file will look like:

"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.20.2",
"cors": "^2.8.5",
"express": "^4.18.2",
"mongoose": "^7.6.5",

Project Structure:

Disaster Management Website using MERN

The Comprehensive Disaster Management System is a full-stack web application developed using the MERN stack, encompassing MongoDB for database management, Express.js for server-side logic, React for the user interface, and Node.js as the runtime environment. The primary goal of this project is to create an efficient and user-friendly system for handling, monitoring, and coordinating disaster-related activities.

Preview of final output: Let us have a look at how the final application will look like.

Output Contributed By G. Manikanta

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Approach to create Disaster Management Website:

User Authentication: Multi-role authentication system for administrators, emergency responders, and volunteers. Secure user login and registration processes. Real-time Monitoring and Communication: Integration of WebSocket technology for real-time updates and communication. Messaging, alerts, and notifications to facilitate quick coordination among stakeholders. Mapping and Visualization: Utilization of mapping tools (e.g., Mapbox, Leaflet) for visualizing affected areas and resource locations. Dynamic overlays, such as heatmaps and markers, to enhance situational awareness. Resource Management: Efficient tracking and management of resources, including personnel, equipment, and supplies. Real-time availability status and allocation features for effective resource utilization. Reporting and Analytics: Reporting tools for generating insights from historical data. Analytics features to assess the effectiveness of disaster management strategies. Responsive User Interface: Development of a responsive and intuitive user interface using React. Different views for administrators, responders, and volunteers. Scalability and Security: Deployment on a cloud platform (e.g., AWS, Heroku) to ensure scalability. Implementation of security measures, including HTTPS, to safeguard sensitive data. Documentation and Training: Comprehensive documentation for developers, administrators, and end-users. Training sessions for users and administrators to maximize system utilization. Testing and Maintenance: Thorough testing, including unit, integration, and end-to-end testing, to ensure system reliability. Ongoing maintenance plan for addressing issues, adding new features, and improving existing functionalities....

Technologies Used:

Backend (Node + Express) Frontend (React) Database (Mongo)...


User Management Disaster Management Real-time Monitoring Mapping and Visualization Resource Management Communication Tools Reporting and Analytics Security Measures Scalability Documentation and Training...

Steps to Create the Backend:

Step 1: Set up Backend Project using the Command:...

Steps to Create the Frontend:
