Steps to Execute Scripts

Step 1: Compile Server and Client Scripts

Once we have created the scripts, we need to compile them with the gcc compiler. So execute the below commands in the terminal to compile it successfully:

gcc server.c -o server 
gcc client.c -o client

Step 2: Checking Socket Communication

In the below output, we can see that we have executed server and multiple client scripts.

  • server.c

Server Listening for Communication

  • client.c

Client Sends Message

Creating Unix Sockets

Sockets are a means to allow communication between two different processes over the same or different machines/networks. To be more precise, it’s a way to talk to other computers and exchange data. In Unix, every I/O action is done by writing or reading a file descriptor. Sockets are the end point of communication with each process having its socket and a socket descriptor for all the operations. In this article, we are going to read more about creating a socket in a Unix system and implementing both client and server-side programs.

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In conclusion, Sockets are one of the best ways to make strong and effective communication. IPC (inter-process communication) inside the same host has made strong Unix socket programming in C. It helps to build reliable and high-performance communication channels for processes operating on the same computer by using Unix domain sockets. The client initiates a TCP socket, configures the server address, and connects for message reception....