Steps to install bcrypt using npm

Create a Node Project

Initially set up a Nodejs Project using the following command.

npm init 
npm init -y
  • npm init command asks some setup questions which are important for the project.After answering the questions project is initialized.
  • npm init –y command is used to set all the answers of the setup questions as yes and the project is initialized .

Install bcrypt package

npm install bcrypt

Bcrypt latest version gets installed for the project.We can check the version of the package in the package json file which contains necessary information about the project .

Verify the installation

Once the package is installed we can verify it using the following command

bcrypt --version

How to install bcrypt using npm?

In the world of web development, security is paramount, especially when handling user passwords. One of the most widely used libraries for password hashing in Node.js applications is bcrypt. This article will guide you through the process of installing bcrypt Using npm, demonstrate how to use it for secure password hashing and comparison.

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What is bcrypt?

bcrypt It is a password-hashing function designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher. It is intended to be computationally intensive, making it more resistant to brute-force attacks. By using a salt (random data) and multiple iterations of hashing, bcrypt ensures that the hashed passwords are unique and secure....

Steps to install bcrypt using npm

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Comparing Password

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Using bcrypt for password hashing is a robust way to enhance the security of your Node.js applications. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can install bcrypt using npm and implement secure password hashing and comparison in your projects. Remember, always handle passwords securely and never store plain-text passwords in your database....