Steps to Use JavaScript

Using the Browser Console:

  • Open Google Chrome: Open Google Chrome and go on your PC. Please ensure that you have this software installed. If not, you might want to download it directly from their website.
  • Navigate to the Web Page: Go to the page in which you wish to execute your JavaScript codes. This includes any website, a locally hosted web page, or just an empty tab. To interact with your javascript script, just put on this page.
  • Access Developer Tools: Using your mouse, right click any place in the website and then select ‘Inspect elements’. As an alternative option, you may click on the Chrome menu (indicated by three dots in the top right corner)>More tools>Developer tools.
  • Switch to the Console Tab: There are several tabs under the Developer Tools panel including “Elements”, ”Console”, ”Sources” among others. Click on “console” tab to open the console area.

Inspecting the webpage

console tab


  • Enter and Execute JavaScript: Directly, you can type in your JavaScript code right in the console. For instance, you would be able to type alert(“Hello, Chrome!”) and hit enter if you would like to execute it. Your code’s output will be displayed in the console with an alert box on the webpage also popups.

Web Page Integration:

  • Create an HTML File: Open any of your favorite code editors like Visual Studio code, sublime text, or Notepad +++; thereafter, instantiate a new HTML file.. This is achieved by writing a separate text file and giving it an extension name of html.
  • Edit HTML Structure: Structure your document using standard HTML elements within the HTML file. You will be able to include headings, bodies of text, images and whatever other HTML content you need on your website. Here’s a basic example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Web Page</title>
    <p>Hello, world!</p>
  • Include JavaScript Code: For instance, your web page may include a script tag for adding JavaScript to it. Put the <script> in the <head> or <body> element of your HTML page. For example, you can add a simple script to display an alert when the page loads:
    alert("Hello, Chrome!");
  • Save the HTML File: To save your html file write with this file extention .html. Be certain that you select an easy accessible point on your computer.
  • Open the HTML File in Chrome: Go your saved HTML file and click its twice. This will provide access to the document through google chrome. Once the pages are loaded with your JavaScript code, the output will appear on the screens.

The following steps will assist you in including javascript in the Google Chrome browser be it through the use of a console in the browser for fast tests and debugging on complex web applications involving Java script integrated into HTML documents.

How to run JavaScript in Chrome Browser ?

Javascript is a highly flexible scripting language that enables developers to incorporate interactive elements into web pages. Web development could not be imagined without it as one of the most widely used methods to implement JavaScript is via web browsers. One of the very popular web browsers is Google Chrome which has strong capabilities for using JavaScript onboard. This article will discuss the running of Javascript in a Chrome browser with respect to various types, features, advantages and show steps.

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