Structure of a Composite Volcano

Composite volcanoes possess a central conduit that links the magma from the solid layers of the mantle to the outer surface. During the initial phases of composite volcano formation, this central conduit is a typical geothermal vent, either at ground level or slightly elevated.

As eruptions occur and additional layers accumulate, the vertical length of the conduit also increases. The central conduit may branch into secondary ducts, and these may or may not extend all the way to the surface.

When the branching duct extends to the surface, it gives rise to a parasitic cone, leading to the release of small quantities of lava. If the branching duct doesn’t reach the surface, it is referred to as a dyke. The upper part of the central conduit is termed the summit, and its opening is called the crater.

The area beneath the summit, within the volcano’s layers, is identified as a conduit. These layers consist of alternating ash and solidified lava. The steepness of the volcano’s slope is determined by the strength and scale of the eruption.

Composite Volcanoes – Structure, Example, Formation and Life Cycle

Composite Volcanoes: Composite volcanoes, also referred to as stratovolcano, are a type of volcano that has a distinctive shape and also eruptive characteristic. These volcanoes are tall, steep-sided cones and are formed through a combination of both explosive as well as effusive volcanic activity. Let us understand more about the structure, eruptive behavior, formation, and characteristics of composite volcanoes.

Composite Volcanoes- Structure

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