Structure of Nerve Cells

The nerve cell is designed in such a manner that it enables the smooth and fast transmission of the nerve impulse through it. This structure is best studied with a detailed nerve cell diagram with labels. A typical nerve cell or neuron consists of the following parts;

  1. Cell body or Soma: It is the central body of the nerve cell from which all the extensions arise. It contains the cell organelles and the nucleus
  2. Dendrites: These are the short, hair-like, and branched extensions of the cell body that receive the nerve impulse from another neuron.
  3. Axon: It is a long, slender extension of the cell body that transmits the nerve impulse to another neuron.
  4. Axon Terminal: The branched end of an axon that transmits the neural impulse to the next neuron.
  5. Myelin Sheath: The fatty insulation that covers the axon of most neurons. It helps to prevent the loss of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
  6. Schwann Cell: The form of glial cells that produces the myelin sheath.
  7. Nodes of Ranvier: Gaps between the myelin sheath that lacks insulation.

Diagram of Nerve Cell

A diagram of nerve cell enables us to study the fundamental structure of the nerve cell with the help of visual representation. The diagram of nerve cells with labelling helps us to easily understand their structure. Nerve cells, also known as neurons, are the fundamental unit of the nervous system. In this article, we will learn about the structure and function of nerve cells along with the nerve cell diagram.

Table of Content

  • What is a Nerve Cell?
  • Diagram of Nerve Cells
  • Types of Nerve Cells
  • Structure of Nerve Cells
  • What is the Function of Nerve Cells?

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