Subject-Verb Agreement Rules in English

Q1. What is the Subject-verb Agreement?

Subject-Verb agreement is basically a rule in grammar, according to which the verbs in a sentence must match the number, person, and gender of the subject.

Q2. What are Examples of Subject-verb Agreement?

(a) She goes for a walk daily in the morning. (b) You were responsible for this assignment.

Q3. What are the Basic Rules in Subject-verb Agreement?

All the basic rules in Subject-Verb Agreement is mentioned above in this article. 

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules: Examples & Exercises

Have you ever heard of the term subject-verb agreement? This is your chance to discover what subject-verb agreement is, what is meant by “concord,” and the guidelines that will assist you in comprehending how it functions.

In this article, we’ll understand the rules of subject-verb agreement, examples, Advanced Subject-Verb Agreement Rules, and exercises that help you understand and apply this important grammar rule. Here you will find a valuable resource for understanding and mastering subject-verb agreement. Whether you’re preparing for an important exam or simply want to improve your communication skills.

Subject Verb Agreement

Table of Content

  • What is Subject-Verb Agreement- Meaning and Definition
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Examples
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Rules with Examples
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Rules Chart
  • Subject Verb Agreement Class 9
  • Subject Verb Agreement Class 10
  • Subject Verb Agreement Rules Exercises
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Worksheet
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz

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Subject-Verb Agreement Rules in English- FAQs

Q1. What is the Subject-verb Agreement?...