Sum of Square of First N Natural Numbers using Recursion

This approach uses a recursive function to find the sum of squares. The base case has the current number greater than n, in which case it returns 0; otherwise, it gets the square of the current number and adds this to the result of next number’s recursive call.


const sum = (n, current = 1) => (current > n) ? 0 : current * current + sum(n, current + 1);

Example: This example uses recursion to get a sum of squares of first n natural numbers in JavaScript

function sumOfSquaresRecursion(n, current = 1) {
    if (current > n) {
        return 0;
    return (
        current * current +
        sumOfSquaresRecursion(n, current + 1)

// Example usage:
let n = 8;


Sum of Squares of First N Natural Numbers in JavaScript

The sum of squares of the first n natural numbers is a mathematical problem of finding the sum of squares of each number up to a given positive number n. We can find the sum of squares of first n natural numbers in JavaScript using the approaches listed below.

Table of Content

  • Sum of Square of First N Natural Numbers using for Loop
  • Sum of Square of First N Natural Numbers using reduce() Method
  • Sum of Square of First N Natural Numbers using Mathematical Formula
  • Sum of Square of First N Natural Numbers using Recursion

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