Sumerian Language and Literature

It was first around 3100 B.C., the Sumerian language first appeared in the archaeological records. It dominated Mesopotamia for the next thousand years. Akkadian replaced Sumerian around 2000 B.C. Sumerian continued as a written language in cuneiform for another 2,000 years. Cuneiform, used in pictographic tablets, was later adapted into Akkadian, and expanded even further outside of Mesopotamia.

The Epic of Gilgamesh, is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia which is famous worldwide. Gilgamesh is an epic poem which is loosely based on the historical King Gilgamesh, who ruled Sumerian Uruk  (modern day Iraq) in 2700 BC. It is said that it is the oldest written story.

Writing remains one of the most important cultural achievements of the Sumerians. Sumerians had a rich literature, but unfortunately only few fragments of the Sumerian documents are found today.

The Sumerians and Mesopotamia

Sumerians: Sumerian civilization was an ancient civilization located in the Mesopotamian region situated between the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Sumerians were popular for their contributions to the fields of language, governance, and architecture. The Sumerian civilization was from c. 5500 – c. 1800 B.C. It is said, that the Sumerians were there for 2,000 years before the Babylonians took charge in 2004 B.C.

In this article, Sumerians, their origin, Sumerian Language & Literature, Technology, Trade & Commerce, Art & Architecture, Religion, Science, Culture, Gilgamesh & the Decline of the Sumerians have been discussed.

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Conclusion – Sumerians

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FAQs on Sumerians

What race were Sumerians?...