Syntax of Constructors in C++

The prototype of the constructor looks like this:

<class-name> (list-of-parameters);

The constructor can be defined inside the class declaration or outside the class declaration

Syntax for Defining the Constructor Within the Class

<class-name> (list-of-parameters)
// constructor definition

Syntax for Defining the Constructor Outside the Class

<class-name>: :<class-name>(list-of-parameters)
// constructor definition

Constructors in C++

Constructor in C++ is a special method that is invoked automatically at the time of object creation. It is used to initialize the data members of new objects generally. The constructor in C++ has the same name as the class or structure. It constructs the values i.e. provides data for the object which is why it is known as a constructor.

  • Constructor is a member function of a class, whose name is the same as the class name.
  • Constructor is a special type of member function that is used to initialize the data members for an object of a class automatically when an object of the same class is created.
  • Constructor is invoked at the time of object creation. It constructs the values i.e. provides data for the object that is why it is known as a constructor.
  • Constructors do not return value, hence they do not have a return type.
  • A constructor gets called automatically when we create the object of the class.
  • Constructors can be overloaded.
  • A constructor can not be declared virtual.

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Parameterized Constructors make it possible to pass arguments to constructors. Typically, these arguments help initialize an object when it is created. To create a parameterized constructor, simply add parameters to it the way you would to any other function. When you define the constructor’s body, use the parameters to initialize the object....