SystemInfo Command

This Command is  used to display all the necessary information about our System such as configration ,version ,hostname, processor details network card details etc.

These are the basic and helpful networking commands which will help you in troubleshooting and managing your network devices. These commands helps you being productive, efficient and managing your network connectivity effectively. It tells us the correct IP address and if that IP can be reached by our computer and what  are the paths being taken to reach the destination address.

Networking Commands For Troubleshooting Windows

In networking there are various commands that can be used to check the connectivity of the networking devices and it is also required at time of troubleshooting of devices. We will be discussing few of the networking commands such as color help, ipconfig ,ipconfig/all ,nslookup ,tracert commands. 


  1. First press windows+R button.
  2. In the search option write cmd . Then your command prompt will get open.

Color Help

This command is used to change the color of the command prompt. It gives various colors and the user can change accordingly. You have to type color help and then choose from the appeared screen by starting the command  with color A or color 3. It helps in making the command prompt user friendly and making the screen according to user choice.


This networking commands is used to the IP configuration details. This command provides you the details like IPv4 address ,Subnet Mask or Default Gateway. 

  1. Subnet mask-It can be understood as the boundary of our internet connection.
  2. Default Gateway-It is the address of the router to which our computer first hits when the device we want to connect is out of our local network.


This command can be understood as the updated version of the ipconfig command. This command tells us the physical address of our device. It tells us various details of our computer  such as IPv4,IPv6 default Gateway ,subnet mask ,also it tells to which devices our device is connected ,configuration details of the devices to which are devices are connected.

It also tells us about the DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)-The main use of DHCP is to automatically assign IP addresses to our devices .

ipconfig /all


This command is use to transform the given searched words into their corresponding IP addresses. Such as if i search for geeks for geeks  website then our browser don’t search for geeks for geeks. It search’s the corresponding IP address associated to the w3wiki site. 

In the above command I have searched for w3wiki IP address and the nslookup command gives me the corresponding IP address.


Ping command is used to get to know if the particular site can be reached by the ping command. The ping command checks this by sending the packets of data to the destination address and if the data returns to us in the given time frame then it means that the particular website can be reached .We can do this by writing the ping and we write the IP address of the site we want to search. Like here i will check for w3wiki site. If we write the wrong IP address or wrong destination the message will appear that their is 100% loss in the data packets sent. 

Here we searched for w3wiki site by giving its correct IP address and it shows that this particular website can by reached by your particular computer.


This command can be understood as trace root. Which tells that our computer reaches or hits which-which server for reaching the particular root. Here again we will search for w3wiki site and it tells us the path taken by our computer to reach the root server. It tells us in maximum of 30 hops (30 node to node delivery).

We can search by giving the IP address and destination site name also.

Netstat Command

It is a command line tool that is identify and display the connections and ports connected to our computer when we write netstat command on CLI(Command Line Interface).

It tells us active connections with our computer and it tells us local address ,foreign address and the state of the device.

In local address first 8 digits specify the local address of our computer and and last 5 digits tells the port number to which our computer is connected .

In netstat command there are various subcommands such as netstat -n, netstat -a,netstat -b, netstat -f.

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SystemInfo Command

This Command is  used to display all the necessary information about our System such as configration ,version ,hostname, processor details network card details etc....