Tableau Interview Questions for Experienced

33. How can you calculate the percentage of total for a field in Tableau?

To calculate the percentage of total for a field in Tableau. Choose percentages from the “Analysis” to display a variety of percentages of the row, table, row in the pane, table in the pane, and cell. Select the total value from which the percentage is to be determined after choosing one of the given options to calculate the percentage.

34. What is the purpose of the AVG function in Tableau, and how is it used?

The AVG function is used to calculate the average(mean) value of a numeric field within a dataset, it is used to analyze and visualize the central tendency of a dataset. Steps to do so:

Create a calculated field and in the calculated editor, use the AVG function to calculate the average of a numeric field.

AVG([Numeric Field)]

We can use the AVG function to display the average value in charts, graphs, or tables to understand the central tendency of a dataset or we can use it to compare the average values across different categories or time periods to identify trends or anomalies.

35. How can you use the RANK function to rank data in Tableau?

Create a worksheet, drag and drop the dimensions you want to rank the data and the measure in the marks card. 
In the “Analytics” pane on the left, find the “Rank” function and drag it onto your worksheet. 
Configure the RANK function calculation by right-clicking on it

36. How can you use the WINDOW_AVG function to calculate a moving average in Tableau?

To calculate a moving average using the ‘WINDOW_AVG’ function in Tableau:

  • Create a calculated field, in the editor, write the ‘WINDOW_AVG’ function to calculate the moving average. The function can be used as :

WINDOW_AVG([measure] , [start], [End])

  • To add the moving average to your visualization in Tableau, drag and drop the calculated field onto your worksheet and configure the calculation by right-clicking on it to access the “Edit Tableau Calculation” dialog.
  • To control the window size or the number of data points included in the moving average calculation, you can use the ‘[start]’ and ‘[end]’ arguments in the ‘WINDOW_AVG’ function.
  • After this, you can customize the format and interact with your visualization.

37. How can you use the WINDOW_SUM function in Tableau?

To compute a running or cumulative sum of a measure within a given window or range, use Tableau’s ‘WINDOW_SUM’ function. To implement it :

  • Create a calculated field, and in the editor write the ‘WINDOW_SUM’ function.

WINDOW_SUM(SUM([measure]), [start], [end])’

  • The optional arguments [Start] and [End] specify the window or range for the total. They can be configured to limit the scope of the calculation. Drag and drop the fields to the shelf to add visualization.

38. When we will use the SCRIPT_REAL functions in Tableau?

When you need to employ unique computations or Python or R scripts to manipulate and analyze your data, you would use Tableau’s ‘SCRIPT_REAL’ function. You can use this method to run outside scripts and get real (numeric) values that you can utilize in your Tableau graphic.

You can use SCRIPT_REAL in some scenarios like:

  • Advanced Statistical Analysis: If you need to use computations or statistical analysis that Tableau does not provide directly.
  • Data Transformation: when you want to use custom scripts to alter and preprocess your data before visualization.
  • Geospatial Analysis: for specialized geospatial research with third-party scripts or libraries.

39. How do you use the LOOKUP function in Tableau?

In Tableau, the LOOKUP function is used to locate a given dimension or measure value within the data. It is useful for comparing a data point to other data points at a given offset. The tableau LOOKUP function can used like this:

LOOKUP( expression, offset)

‘expression’: dimension or measure you want to retrieve from the data.

‘Offset’: specifies the relative position of the data point you want to look up.

Open the worksheet or workbook where you want to create your calculation using the LOOKUP function. Right-click on Data and select “Create Calculated field”. In the calculate editor, you can write your LOOKUP function.

40. How Do You Add a web page to a Tableau Dashboard?

You can integrate a Tableau dashboard or report into a web application or web page to build dynamic web pages with interactive Tableau visuals. You can include Tableau content in a web application using its embedding options and APIs.

To create a dynamic website in Tableau, follow these steps:

  • Click the webpage option under “Objects” on the dashboard.
  • Don’t input a URL and then click “OK” in the dialog box that appears.
  • By clicking the dashboard menu, select “Action.” To add an action, click the action’s ‘Add Action’ button and choose ‘Go to URL’.
  • Enter the website’s ‘URL’ and then click the arrow next to it. ‘OK’ should be clicked.

41. What are the different ways to optimize a Dashboard’s Performance?

For a dashboard to load quickly, be responsive, and offer a seamless user experience, its performance in Tableau must be optimized. Here are various methods for improving the functionality of a Tableau dashboard:

  • Data Source Optimization: Consider using data extracts (TDEs) when working with large datasets for faster query performance or apply data source filters to limit the amount of data retrieved from the source.
  • Data Aggregation: Use aggregation in your visualization and calculations to reduce the volume of data processed.
  • Parameter Optimization: Use parameters instead of quick filter when interactively is required but quick filters would slow down the dashboard.
  • Filter Optimization: Employ context filters, extract filters, and minimize quick filters.
  • Sheet optimization: Hide unused sheets, simplify visuals, and optimize filters.

42. How we will plot the geographical data in Tableau?

To plot geographical data in Tableau, follow these steps:

  • Connect to Data: Connecting to a dataset that contains latitude and longitude coordinates or location names that Tableau can geocode is the first step in using Tableau to see geographic data.
  • Drag and Drop Dimensions: Locate your geographic data’s dimensions in the Data pane (such as Country, City, Latitude, and Longitude) and drag them to the “Rows” or “Columns” shelf.
  • Choose a Map Visualization: Map visualizations offered by Tableau include “Symbol Maps,” “Filled Maps,” and “Density Maps.” Pick the one that best fits your objectives for data and visualization. For further control over what appears on the map, drag the geographical dimension to the “Detail” shelf.
  • Assign Measures: To encode data attributes onto the map, drag measures (such as sales, population, or temperature) to the “Color,” “Size,” or “Label” shelf.
  • Customize the Map: To change the map’s markers, labels, colors, and tooltips, use the “Marks” card. The map’s style, background, and layers can all be changed.

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that turns raw data into understandable insights. It helps users create interactive and shareable dashboards, charts, and reports, making it easier to analyze and communicate complex data trends for better decision-making in business and other fields.

In this article, we have provided you with the top 50+ Tableau Interview questions with answers that cover everything from basics to advanced. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced IT professional (5 years or 10 years of experience ), this article gives you all the confidence you need to ace your next Tableau interview in one go!

Table of Content

  • Tableau Interview Questions for Beginners
  • Intermediate Tableau Interview Questions
  • Tableau Interview Questions for Experienced
  • Scenario Based Tableau Interview Questions 

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