Technical cum Bar Raiser Round

I was told give brief description about myself and my projects. He asked my role in the project. After which he gave two problems to solve.

Problem 1

You are given a binary tree and a node k. Find out if the left sub tree of k is a mirror image of right sub tree or not.


The idea was a modification of this.

Problem 2

You are given a character array. You have to return a character array in which each alphabet x is present min(frequency(x), position of x in alphabetical ordering)).


This was a simple implementation problem. I was told to write the code properly with class.

Finally, total of 9 people were selected. Out of which 6 were from Army Institute of Technology Pune. I was fortunate enough to be one of them.

Amazon Pune Pool Campus Interview

Amazon pool campus placement drive was conducted in March 2019. There were total five rounds, first round being an online coding round was held on Hackerearth followed by three technical interviews and one bar raiser cum technical round.

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