Technical Interview(30 min)

The technical interview lasted for 30 minutes. The interviewer introduced herself and asked me to introduce myself as well.

The first question was why I was interested in a software engineering role even though I was graduating in Instrumentation and Control Engineering. I explained that I was interested in software technologies and had used some softwares in my previous projects.

The interviewer then asked me to define 5 or 6 data structures, such as arrays, dynamic arrays, trees, linked lists, stacks, and queues.

She asked me to write a code for implementing a linked list and then convert it into a circular linked list.

I was also asked to write a code for removing duplicate elements from an array without using any extra space.

The interviewer then asked me a few standard OOPs questions.

Finally, she asked me a few SQL queries, such as how to find the third highest salary from an employee table.

DAD Round

The DAD round was with an Associate Director. He started by scanning my resume and then asked me to give a detailed explanation of one of the projects mentioned in my resume. I explained the project in detail, avoiding using too much technical jargon.

He then asked me a few questions about OOPs, data structures, databases, and SQL. He also asked me about some of the skills mentioned in my resume, such as React. I told him that I had very little hands-on experience with React.

The interviewer then asked me a few questions on association, aggregation, and composition in OOPs. He also asked me to explain a few other OOPs concepts with examples.

Next, he asked me to write a code to find two numbers in an array whose sum is equal to a given number. I wrote the code and explained it to him.

He then asked me if I knew anything about operating systems. I told him that I had just started preparing for it.

The interviewer also asked me a few aptitude questions and a puzzle. The puzzle was to cut a cake into 8 equal pieces using only 3 cuts. I explained the solution to the puzzle.

Finally, he asked me a few SQL questions, such as how to find the top 5 customers with the highest order amount.

HR Round

The HR round was with a friendly HR manager. She asked me to introduce myself and then asked me a few questions about my previous interviews.

She asked me to tell her about my strengths and weaknesses. I told her about my strengths and avoided talking about my weaknesses.

She then asked me what I would do if I was offered the same salary by another company in Hyderabad. I told her that I would definitely choose IVP Noida because I thought I would be able to establish myself better there.

The HR manager then asked me to tell her about IVP and its CEO. I answered her questions and finally, I was selected for the role.

Indus Valley Partners (IVP) Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus)

I applied for IVP on campus for the role of Associate Software Engineer. The eligible branches are CSE, ECE, IT, ICE, and EE.

The selection process has 4 rounds:

  • Online Assessment
  • Technical Interview
  • DAD round (with either a Director or Associate Director)
  • HR round

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