Technological Factors

1. Low Productivity

  • Despite advancements in agricultural technology, the overall productivity of Indian agriculture remains relatively low compared to global standards.
  • The use of traditional farming methods, lack of high-yielding crop varieties, and limited adoption of modern agricultural practices contribute to the low productivity.
  • Factors such as poor access to quality seeds, fertilizers, and other inputs also limit the ability of farmers to increase their crop yields.
  • Low productivity makes it challenging for farmers to improve their income and livelihood, leading to persistent poverty in the agricultural sector.

2. Lack of Mechanization

  • Indian agriculture is still heavily reliant on manual labor and traditional tools, with a limited use of modern farm machinery and equipment.
  • The high cost of agricultural machinery, lack of access to credit, and the prevalence of small landholdings hinder the widespread adoption of mechanization.
  • The lack of mechanization reduces the efficiency and timeliness of farm operations, leading to lower productivity and increased labor demands.
  • The limited use of modern technology, such as tractors, harvesters, and irrigation systems, restricts the ability of farmers to expand their cultivated area and adopt more intensive farming practices.

Problems of Indian Agriculture| Class 12 Geography Notes

The Indian agricultural sector faces a range of challenges, including natural factors, technological limitations, institutional constraints, economic pressures, and social barriers. These factors have collectively impeded the transformation and sustainable development of the agricultural landscape in the country.

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