The Benefits

There are a lot of benefits to doing this especially if you are in your first year, you don’t have a lot to lose with the lectures or labs they can be easily covered up and managed. The experience of being able to contribute., and connect with people of different branches and years and add those polaroids to your college memories album is sweet. Not to forget you get a lot of free stuff, college merch, food and drinks if you weren’t buying the emotional sentiment above. You also get a participation certificate and putting this in your resume helps you get core positions in the college panel and boosts your extracurricular front and PR skills for the future too. So this was my experience, volunteer signing off!

Cummins College TechFest Volunteer Experience (Gandhaar)

Hey there, if you are an engineering aspirant then you know the hype of tech fests, the most fun time of any college. Full of cool tech, competitions, events, and just loads of fun. My seniors suggested I become a tech volunteer in our annual tech fest ‘Gandhaar’ and being in my first year it didn’t hurt to take up some extra roles so this volunteer today will share her experience of what it was like working behind the scenes in the events and the amount of learning I got.

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How it started

So this started in December when there was a call for people to help with the fest’s website and app. I signed up even though knowing basic things, I hoped to get some exposure and connect with seniors, The funny thing was that I was the only first year they took in the team mistaking me for a final-year student. I cleared the confusion in the meeting with honesty about my skills, thinking inside my head that I would be off the team now, but to my surprise, they still kept me and asked me to make a basic responsive webpage. I further contributed by giving design ideas and layouts. I learned a lot from attending all the meets even though I did not have any substantial amount of work to report as such, seeing and hearing other seniors made me aware of so many things, helped me build connections and gave me a beautiful spot in the developers section on my college tech fest site:). Shoutout to the amazing seniors out there....

The Events

Next up came the long list of fun-filled, the most technologically intriguing I had ever seen. Volunteers were assigned events randomly depending on their engagements and availability throughout the fest. The event that I got was called Trailblazers which is one of the most hit events of our fest and taking place for many years since it started. We were involved in the decorations, the management, the registrations and of course the event in action. It was a great experience to volunteer in this event, the college is already so buzzing at these times and running from place to place, end-moment chaos etc. just adds up to the overall exhilaration....

The Benefits

There are a lot of benefits to doing this especially if you are in your first year, you don’t have a lot to lose with the lectures or labs they can be easily covered up and managed. The experience of being able to contribute., and connect with people of different branches and years and add those polaroids to your college memories album is sweet. Not to forget you get a lot of free stuff, college merch, food and drinks if you weren’t buying the emotional sentiment above. You also get a participation certificate and putting this in your resume helps you get core positions in the college panel and boosts your extracurricular front and PR skills for the future too. So this was my experience, volunteer signing off!...