The Country with Fourth Highest Capital Punishment – Egypt

In 2022, Egypt executed 24 people, the fourth highest number of executions in the world, after China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.

  • Egypt executes people by hanging for civilian convictions, and by firing squad for convictions by commissioned military personnel at the time of duty.
  • According to Amnesty International, Iran and Saudi Arabia are responsible for 90% of global executions, with Iran executing 576 people in 2022, and Saudi Arabia executing 196 people in 2022.
  • Crimes punishable by death in Egypt include premeditated murder, rape, drug related offenses, and offenses under the so-called “anti-terrorism” legislation.
  • Amnesty International said the spike in executions followed a botched breakout attempt in September 2020 at the Tora Prison in Cairo, where four police officers and four death-row prisoners died.

List of Countries with the Most Capital Punishment 2024

The top 10 Countries that conduct the most capital punishments are China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the US, Iraq, Singapore, Kuwait, Somalia, and South Sudan. Capital punishment is also called the death penalty. The Death Penalty Information Center states that over 70% of countries have banned the death penalty in their constitutions or laws. Amnesty International’s 2021 year-end report indicated that 579 executions had been documented worldwide, divided across 18 countries. While this total is 20% greater than the number of executions in 2020.

In this article, we will look into the list of top 10 countries that conduct the most capital punishments along with the number of executions.

Table of Content

  • What is Capital Punishment?
  • List of Countries with the Most Capital Punishments 2024
  • The Country with Tenth Highest Capital Punishment – South Sudan
  • The Country with Ninth Highest Capital Punishment – Somalia
  • The Country with Eighth Highest Capital Punishment – Kuwait
  • The Country with Seventh Highest Capital Punishment – Singapore
  • The Country with Sixth Highest Capital Punishment – Iraq
  • The Country with Fifth Highest Capital Punishment – US
  • The Country with Fourth Highest Capital Punishment – Egypt
  • The Country with Third Highest Capital Punishment – Saudi Arabia
  • The Country with Second Highest Capital Punishment – Iran
  • The Country with Highest Capital Punishment – China

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What is Capital Punishment?

Capital punishment is when a government decides to legally end someone’s life as a punishment for a very serious crime, like murder. It’s also known as the death penalty. This means that after a court finds someone guilty of a crime that is considered extremely bad, the punishment can be that this person must die, as decided by the laws of that country....

List of Countries with the Most Capital Punishments 2024

In 2022, the top 10 countries executed 1854 people, marking a rise of 53% over 2021. This increase in executions outside China was due to countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The below table lists the top 10 countries that conduct the most capital punishment:...

The Country with Tenth Highest Capital Punishment – South Sudan

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The Country with Ninth Highest Capital Punishment – Somalia

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The Country with Eighth Highest Capital Punishment – Kuwait

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The Country with Seventh Highest Capital Punishment – Singapore

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The Country with Sixth Highest Capital Punishment – Iraq

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The Country with Fifth Highest Capital Punishment – US

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The Country with Fourth Highest Capital Punishment – Egypt

In 2022, Egypt executed 24 people, the fourth highest number of executions in the world, after China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United States....

The Country with Third Highest Capital Punishment – Saudi Arabia

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The Country with Second Highest Capital Punishment – Iran

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The Country with Highest Capital Punishment – China

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Summary – List of Countries with the Most Capital Punishments

In conclusion, as of 2024, 112 countries do not use capital punishment, including 108 countries that have completely abolished it, seven that have abolished it for all offenses except special circumstances, and 26 that have abolished it in practice because they have not used it for at least 10 years. In 2022, six countries abolished the death penalty, either fully or partially. According to the UN Human Rights Office, capital punishment is incompatible with the right to life and may amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment....

FAQs on List of Countries with the Most Capital Punishments 2024

Which countries still practice capital punishment in 2024?...