The Limitations

The integration of an AI chatbot in search engines might not be as healthy as it sounds. There are certain drawbacks that this change comes with. These disadvantages will highly impact the way the search engines will function.

1. It Will Impact the SEO

The integration of AI chatbots will technically affect SEO on a significant level. The results will no more be only dependent on keywords but also on the intent and purpose of the search by the user. Content strategists and search engine optimizers will be the most influenced by this as they will have to reevaluate their strategies. The professionals will need to make their websites more quick, creative, and easily accessible as per the user experiences.

2. Inaccuracy of the Facts and Data

AI chatbots are highly dependent on language learning models and machine learning algorithms. The way AI chatbots functions is more based on language and less on factual information. AI chatbots predict the next word in the sentences as per the human language and do not necessarily provide correct information thus the need for fact-checking will be a major requirement in the future.

3. Low Traffic on the Websites

Since the conversational ai chatbots will provide more precise and personalized answers to the users in the chat itself, the traffic on the websites will decrease. Many users will hardly visit the websites as they will get the desired information in the chat itself. It will be a big disadvantage for the companies who drive their business through website traffic.

How Seach Engine Can Integrate AI Chatbots in the Future?

Over the past years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed the lives of individuals and businesses, for the better. The boom in the tech industry is evident with the constant developments and advancements in chatbot technology. ChatGPT, the OpenAI chatbot, has become the most popular AI chatbot worldwide due to its ability to write almost everything, including the codes. Big search engines like Google have also expressed that they would soon integrate AI chatbots into their search engine to improve the user experience. Google even introduced its own conversational AI chatbot, Google Bard recently.


But how can search engines integrate AI chatbots? How can that change the way we interact with search engines? Read on to know more.

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