The sort() Method

Places the numbers in an array, sorts the array in ascending order, and then retrieves the smallest element, which is now the first element in the sorted array.

Example: Illustration of Smallest of given two numbers In PHP Using Sort Method.


$num1 = 10;
$num2 = 5;
// Create an array with the numbers
$numbers = [$num1, $num2];
// Sort the array in ascending order
// The smallest number is the first element after sorting
$min = $numbers[0];
echo "The smallest number is: $min";


The smallest number is: 5

How to Find the Smallest of given Two Nnumbers In PHP ?

Given two numbers num1 and num2, the task is to find the smallest number between them. Here, we will see the different approaches to solving this problem.


Input: 10 5
Ouput: 5

Table of Content

  • Using Conditional (Ternary) Operator
  • Using if-else Statements
  • Using the min Function
  • The sort() Method
  • Using the spaceship operator (<=>)
  • Using min with an Array

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