This troubleshooting guide will assist you in resolving this issue

Step 1: Launch the configuration file for Apache

  • The default location of the Apache 2.4 configuration file is C:\Program Files\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf.
  • Using a text editor such as Notepad or Visual Studio Code, open the configuration file.

Step 2: Verify that the directive ā€˜Listen 443ā€™ is present and uncommented

  • Check the configuration file for the line Listen 443.
  • To uncomment a line that has been commented out (that is, if it begins with the # symbol), remove the # symbol.
  • Add the line to the configuration file if it doesnā€™t already exist.
  • After making your edits, exit the text editor.

Step 3: Look into further services using port 443 for listening:

  • Launch the command prompt in administrator mode.
  • To see if there are any other services listening on port 443, issue the following command:
netstat -ano | findstr :443
  • It might be necessary to cease any other services that are listening on port 443 or modify their port configuration.

Services Listening on different ports

Step 4: Set up the SSL configuration:

  • Ensure that the files containing your SSL certificates, such as server.crt and server.key, are stored in a secure area.
  • Open the C:\Program Files\Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf file that contains the Apache SSL settings.
  • Include the paths to the SSL certificate files when configuring the SSL settings in the configuration file.

Step5: Turn the SSL module on:

  • Launch the command prompt in administrator mode.
  • To make the SSL module active, execute the following command:
ssl_module | findstr -t -D DUMP_MODULES
  • Add the following line to the Apache configuration file to load the SSL module if it isnā€™t already loaded:
LoadModule modules/ ssl_module modules
  • After making your edits, exit the text editor.

Step 6: Adjust the firewall configuration

  • Open the Advanced Security interface to launch the Windows Defender Firewall.
  • Make a new TCP/UDP incoming rule for port 443.
  • Open port 443 to incoming connections.

Step 7: Examine your SELinux policies, if any:

  • The setenforce command can be used to verify the SELinux policies if you are running SELinux on a Windows machine.
  • On Windows computers, SELinux is not enabled by default.

Step 8: Examine the error logs from Apache:-

  • Usually found at C:\Program Files\Apache24\logs\error.log, open the Apache error logs.
  • Check for any port 443 or SSL/TLS-related issues.

Step 9: Launch the Apache service:-

  • Launch the command prompt in administrator mode.
  • The Apache service can be started by running the following command:
net start apache

Step 10: Check to see if Apache is open on port 443:

  • Get a command prompt open.
  • To find out if Apache is listening on port 443, issue the following command:
netstat -ano | findstr :443
  • If port 443 is open on Apache, a line similar to this one should appear:
TCP                 A LISTENING 1234

The Apache serviceā€™s process ID is 1234 in the output.

You should be able to resolve the ā€œApache not listening on port 443ā€ issue and allow Apache to listen on port 443 for HTTPS connections by following these instructions and debugging any possible problems.

How to Fix ā€œApache not istening on Port 443ā€?

For Windows servers, Apache is an open-source web server that may be downloaded for free. Although installing an Apache web server on Windows is a straightforward process, the steps you follow may vary depending on the version of Windows you are using.

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