Time and Work Formulas

Time and Work” topic deals with the time taken by an individual or a group to complete a job or a piece of work and its efficiency. The formulas can completely help you to find a solution as soon as you read the question. Thus, it makes the solution and the related calculations simpler.

Some of Important Formulas and Concepts on Time and Work are:

  1. Work Done by a person = Time Taken × Rate of Work
  2. Rate of Work of a person  = 1 / Time Taken by him
  3. Time Taken by him = 1 / Rate of Work
  4. If a piece of work or a job is done in n number of days, then the work done in one day = 1/n
  5. Total Work Done = Number of Days × Efficiency
  6. Efficiency of work done and Time are inversely proportional to each other.
  7. M : W is the ratio of the number of men and women which are required to complete a piece of work, then the ratio of the time taken by them to complete the work will be W : M.
  8. If W1 work is done by M1 people in D1 days, working T1 hours in a day and W2 work is done by M2 people in D2 days, working T2 hours in a  day, then the relation between them will be

(M1 × D1 × T1 × W2) = (M2 × D2 × T2 × W1)

Time and Work – Aptitude Questions and Answers

Time and Work is one of the most basic concepts in Quantitative Aptitude, which is tested extensively in government exams. Undoubtedly, having a strong background in this topic can give candidates an upper hand and help them to score well in competitive exams. A candidate needs to be aware of the basic concept and the types of questions that may be asked in the exams, mainly Banking and SSC exams

The following article consists of question patterns and formulas that will be useful to the candidates while preparing for the examination. Try and practice the questions given below for a better understanding of the topic.

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