To quit the Scala REPL session

Step1. Type ‘:q’ or ‘:quit’:

When you are in the Scala REPL session, do `:q` or `:quit` and press Enter to quit. This will close the REPL session and bring you back to the command prompt or shell.


And that’s it! With that you can not only start a Scala REPL session easily, but also quit it as well.

How to Start and Quit a Scala REPL Session?

Scala REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) is an interactive shell where you can directly execute Scala code snippets and see the results immediately. It’s a tool that allows you to experiment with Scala code, test small code snippets, and explore the behavior of Scala constructs without having to compile and run a separate program.

In a Scala REPL session, you can type Scala expressions, statements, and declarations, and the REPL evaluates them on-the-fly, showing you the results immediately. It’s a convenient way to learn Scala, prototype code, debug small pieces of code, and interactively explore libraries and language features.

The typical workflow in a Scala REPL session involves typing Scala code, pressing Enter to execute it, observing the output or result, and repeating this process as needed to iterate on your code. It’s a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced Scala developers alike.

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