Tools for automated visual testing

The following are some of the tools for automated visual testing:

Code-Based automated visual testing (Open Source Tools):

1. Specter

  • Specter is the automated visual regression testing framework. 
  • After the web page is created, each individual component will be checked whether it is rendered properly or not.
  • Specter will capture screenshots of the elements matching the selectors specified, at all the screen dimensions desired. 

2. Needle

  • It checks that visuals like images, layouts, buttons, CSS, SVG, etc., are rendered correctly by taking screenshots of portions of a website and comparing them against known good screenshots. 
  • It also provides tools for testing calculated CSS values and the position of HTML elements.

3. Gemini

  • It checks the visual appearance of the web page. Here, it tests the web page separately.
  • It includes some of the CSS properties while checking the web pages with correct elements and their position.
  • It gathers the CSS test statistics.
  • Some of the rendering features for images are not supported.

4. Pix-Diff

  • It is developed to compare the screenshots of the developed web pages.
  • The image comparison is carried out in three ways- Pixel-by-Pixel, Perceptual, and context.
  • It ensures that the part of the image is missing.
  • It is used to check the low-frequency images.

5. FBSnapshotTestcases

  • It takes a UI View or layer and uses the necessary UI kit to generate the automated image snapshots of its content.
  • It creates the reference image and compares it with the actual image of the generated code.
  • One pixel change will lead to the failure of testing.

Visual Testing – Software Testing

Visual Testing is also called Visual UI Testing. It validates whether the developed software user interface (UI) is compatible with the user’s view. It ensures that the developed web design is correctly following the spaces, sizes, shapes, and positions of UI elements. It also ensures that the elements are working properly with various devices and browsers. Visual testing validates how multiple devices, browsers, operating systems, etc., affect the software.

This Article focuses on discussing each of these topics-

Table of Content

  • Features of Visual Testing
  • Why Visual Testing?
  • Visual Testing Methods
  • Types of Visual Testing
  • Tools for automated visual testing
  • Additional types of Visual Testing
  • Advantages of Visual Testing
  • Disadvantages of Visual Testing
  • Conclusion

Let’s start discussing each of these topics in detail.

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Configuration – Based automated visual testing (Open Source Tools):

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Additional types of Visual Testing

Visual Regression Testing: It identifies unintentional visual changes by comparing the application’s current user interface (UI) to a baseline or reference image. Cross-Browser Visual Testing: It guarantees that the application will seem the same in all web browsers, including those with various versions. Responsive Design Testing: It confirms that the user interface (UI) of the programme adjusts to different screen sizes and resolutions. Visual Accessibility Testing: It analyses, if the application’s visual components follow to accessibility guidelines and are usable by people with disabilities. Localization and Internationalization Testing: It confirms that the application’s visual components appropriately adjust to various languages, locales and cultural preferences....

Advantages of Visual Testing

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Disadvantages of Visual Testing

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Visual testing concentrates on an application’s user interface and visual components, is an essential component of the software testing process. This testing technique is crucial to preserving the overall quality of the software, discovering discrepancies in the design, and guaranteeing a satisfactory user experience. It is not only a best practice but also a deliberate approach to provide software that satisfies functional and aesthetic criteria, increasing user satisfaction and fostering a positive brand perception. Visual testing should be incorporated into the development lifecycle....