Top Maize Producing States in India 2024

The major maize producing states in India in 2023 are:

1. Karnataka

Karnataka is the primary maize producing nation, contributing approximately 15% of India’s total maize production. The state’s agricultural ability is complemented by mild climate and rich soil for maize cultivation.

Modern agricultural practices such as high yielding hybrid varieties, modern irrigation and crop management have contributed to Karnataka’s superior maize production.

2. Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh ranks 2nd among all producing states of maize in India (around 15% of the nation’s total production).

Madhya Pradesh offers diverse agro-climatic conditions and a strong agricultural infrastructure to large scale maize cultivation. Government initiatives to promote hybrid seeds and modern farming techniques have also taken the state’s maize production to new heights.

3. Maharashtra

Large agricultural lands and a mild climate make Maharashtra a key producer of maize in India contributing about 12% of the output.

4. Rajasthan

Despite water shortages, Rajasthan’s farmers have adopted advanced irrigation methods as drip and sprinkler irrigation to increase the productivity and efficiency of maize cultivation. The state contributes now around 9% to India’s total maize production.

5. Uttar Pradesh

The most populous state in India, Uttar Pradesh produces approximately 8% of the country’s output. Beneficial features of the state include fertile soil and favourable climatic conditions for growing maize.

6. Bihar

Bihar has fertile Gangetic plains which contribute around 7% of total maize output. The state’s agricultural sector has fertile alluvial soil, a suitable climate and irrigation facilities.

In Bihar, hybrid maize varieties and improved agricultural practices have synergistically increased yields and increased maize production, highlighting the state’s role in national maize production.

7. Telangana

Telangana, responsible for approximately 6% of India’s total maize production, boasts fertile soil, well-distributed rainfall, and extensive irrigation facilities that contribute to its success in maize cultivation.

8. Gujarat

Gujarat contributes approx. 5% to the nation’s total maize output and the major reasons for its success are the state’s coastal location, its fertile soil and even rainfall.

Gujarat’s commitment to modern farming techniques, the adoption of improved seed varieties, and efficient water management practices have collectively contributed to the growth of maize production in the state.

9. Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu, with its diverse agro-climatic zones, contributes approximately 3% to India’s total maize production. The state’s is doing well for maize cultivation because of its favourable rainfall patterns, its irrigation facilities, etc. that have collectively contributed to increased maize production.

10. Jammu & Kashmir

Jammu & Kashmir has also come among the top maize-producing states, with approx. 3% of the nation’s total maize output. The state’s abundant availability of water resources and favourable climate conditions are helpful for maize cultivation.

Top 10 Maize Producing States in India in 2023: A Complete List

Top 10 Maize Producing States in India in 2024: In 2024, India witnessed significant maize production across several states, contributing to the nation’s agricultural output. This comprehensive list highlights the top 10 maize-producing states based on their yield and cultivation practices. Maize cultivation is a vital component of India’s agricultural landscape, supporting food security, livestock feed, and various industrial applications.

Let us learn more!

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