Tricky IAS Interview Questions Asked by UPSC Panel

The IAS interview is known for its challenging and thought-provoking questions. Here are some examples of tricky questions asked during the IAS interview, along with possible answers given by successful candidates:

Question 1: If you were to choose between being an honest IAS officer in a corrupt system or a corrupt IAS officer in an honest system, what would you choose and why?


“ As an aspiring civil servant, my primary goal is to serve the nation and uphold the principles of honesty and integrity. However, in a corrupt system, it becomes extremely difficult to bring about any substantial change. Therefore, I would choose to be an honest IAS officer in a corrupt system, as it would provide me with the opportunity to gradually work towards reforming the system and bringing about positive change. “

Question 2: Do you think reservation policies are still relevant in modern-day India?


” Reservation policies were introduced with the intention of providing equal opportunities and social justice to historically disadvantaged sections of society. While significant progress has been made over the years, certain marginalized communities still face socio-economic challenges and discrimination. Therefore, I believe that reservation policies continue to be relevant in ensuring inclusivity and leveling the playing field. However, it is also crucial to periodically review and fine-tune these policies to address changing social dynamics and promote meritocracy. “

Question 3: What are your thoughts on the commercialization of education?


” Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of a nation. While private institutions have contributed to expanding access to education, the commercialization of education raises concerns about affordability, quality, and equal opportunities. It is essential to strike a balance between private investment in education and ensuring that education remains accessible and affordable for all. Government regulations and quality control measures can help address the negative impact of excessive commercialization and ensure that education continues to be a tool for empowerment.“

Question 4: How would you handle a situation where your personal beliefs and the government’s policies are in conflict?


“ As a civil servant, my primary duty is to uphold the Constitution and implement government policies in the best interest of the nation and its citizens. However, if I find myself in a situation where my personal beliefs conflict with government policies, I would approach the matter with an open mind and seek a balanced perspective. I would engage in dialogue with relevant stakeholders, present my concerns, and explore possible solutions that align with both the government’s objectives and my personal convictions. Ultimately, I would strive to find a middle ground that upholds the principles of justice, fairness, and the greater good.“

Question 5: If you were given the power to change one thing about our country, What would it be?


” As an aspiring civil servant, if I had the power to change one thing about our country that would be the education system.By changing our education system, we can empower our young minds, bridge social and economic gaps, and build a strong foundation for a progressive nation. I will encourage research, innovation and value-based education would be my priority. I would also focus on improvement of quality of education at every level. Furthermore,This change would have a amazing effect, impacting various aspects of our society, including the economy, governance, and overall well-being of our citizens.“

Question 6: How do you handle criticism or feedback?


“I will handle criticism or feedback with an open mind and I will stay composed and respectful. I will consider it as an opportunity to learn, take proactive steps for self-improvement, and reflect. I view feedback or criticism as a valuable learning experience I believe that handling criticism effectively helps in the professional and personal growth of a person. I strive to maintain a receptive attitude and consider it as valuable input to enhance my learning and knowledge.“

It’s important to note that these answers are just examples, and each candidate’s response may vary depending on their personal experiences, beliefs, and understanding of the issues. The key is to present a well-reasoned and thoughtful response that demonstrates clarity of thought, ethical reasoning, and a holistic approach to problem-solving.

IAS Interview Questions (2024)

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exam is widely regarded as one of the most challenging competitive exams in India. Every year, Lakhs of applicants sit for this examination, but only a select few 0.2% can make it through the final selection. To crack this exam, aspirants require a well-planned strategy, a strong foundation of knowledge (crucial subjects and general awareness), prominent Social Skills, and a deep understanding of the IAS interview questions, exam pattern, and procedure.

To prepare for the IAS interview, it is important to familiarize oneself with the commonly asked questions. While the specific IAS interview questions may vary, certain common themes and areas of focus are usually explored.

IAS Interview Questions (2024)

This IAS interview questions with Answers often cover a wide range of topics, including current affairs, national and international issues, governance, ethics, decision-making abilities, problem-solving skills, personal background, and aspirations. Through reading interview experiences, aspirants can familiarize themselves with the nature and scope of these questions. This exposure helps them develop a comprehensive approach to addressing such questions effectively during their own interview.

Although some of the interview questions may be specific to your application profile, it is important to answer them accordingly. Also one can take reference of the UPSC Previous Year Question Paper in order to get an idea of the difficulty level of questions in UPSC.

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