Types of projects

The company works on lots of latest as well as legacy technologies in various projects. You can get to work on C, C++, Java, Full stack development, SaaS, Cloud technologies, Documentation, Automated testing using selenium etc. Based on the position you interviewed for you could be placed to work on one of the above-mentioned technologies.

Your work and responsibilities

Since PTC is a product-based company, your work will revolve around developing and maintaining a software or suite of small software&#x2019s pertaining to either CAD/PLM domain or IoT/AR/VR domain. Daily you will mostly work on new product development tasks assigned to you with an objective time to finish them for it to be part of half yearly or yearly release of the product. In between you may also have to work on maintenance tasks i.e., working on defects reported by customer on already released products or providing hotfixes to specific customers on production version software release. You will be guided by Product managers and Technical Fellows with any queries you might have related to your tasks. Overall, you will get a good learning environment with collaborative peers to help you out in tricky situations.

Team dynamics

As I said the teams here are very helpful and collaborative efforts are seen at many levels of product development. The timelines of work assigned to various teams is discussed well in advance to avoid any delays in product release due to interdependency of deliverables.

Work-life balance

Be assured that you won&#x2019t be overloaded with work here to mess up your work life balance.

Work environment

You will love it. You get relaxed work environment which you could use for your benefit as you try to upskill yourself to stay ahead or it could be detrimental to your career growth if you go into comfort zone.

Company culture

There are many activities arranged by HR&#x2019s to bring together different teams which include technical and non-technical fun filled events. Many festivals are celebrated with enthusiasm.

Opportunities for growth and learning

You will get plenty of opportunities for growth and learning here. Just that you will have to grab them yourselves as they may not come to your assigned team automatically. Company has tie ups with learning platforms for you to help upskill yourselves. Also, company provides a higher education policy (applicable after few years of service) which can be used to climb the career ladder effectively.

Overall it is a good company to be part of at any stage of your career.

PTC Inc. Work Experience as Software Technical Consultant

I have been working with PTC for over 6 years. I came here from another company which worked in same domain i.e. Development of CAD (Computer Aided Design) software&#x2019s. I have divided my review in following sections to present a clear view of my experience working with this company.

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Types of projects

The company works on lots of latest as well as legacy technologies in various projects. You can get to work on C, C++, Java, Full stack development, SaaS, Cloud technologies, Documentation, Automated testing using selenium etc. Based on the position you interviewed for you could be placed to work on one of the above-mentioned technologies....