Types of Prompting

When using ChatGPT or similar language models, there are various types of prompting that you can employ to guide the model’s responses. Here are some common types of prompting techniques:

1. Instructional Prompts

These prompts provide explicit instructions to the model about the desired behavior or response. You can specify the format, style, or tone of the response, or ask the model to think step-by-step before generating an answer. Instructional prompts help set clear expectations and guide the model’s output accordingly.

Example: “Please provide a detailed explanation of the process involved in solving this math problem.”

2. Socratic Prompts

Socratic prompts aim to guide the model’s thinking by asking leading questions or providing hints. This prompts the model to reason through the problem and arrive at a well-thought-out response. Socratic prompts can be particularly useful when you want the model to demonstrate understanding or critical thinking.

Example: “What are the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources?”

3. Priming Prompts

Priming prompts involve providing specific example responses that align with the desired output. By showcasing the style or tone you’re aiming for, you can guide the model to generate similar responses. Priming helps shape the model’s behavior and encourages it to generate outputs consistent with the provided examples.

Example: “Here are a few responses I’m looking for: ‘That’s great!’ or ‘I completely agree with you.'”

4. Mixed Prompts

Mixed prompts involve combining multiple types of prompts to provide a comprehensive guiding framework. By incorporating instructional, contextual, and other types of prompts together, you can provide a rich context and precise instructions for the model’s responses.

Example: “Based on our previous conversation (contextual prompt), please explain the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources (instructional prompt). Additionally, consider providing examples to support your points (Socratic prompt).”

5. Example-Based Prompts

Example-based prompts involve providing specific examples or sample inputs and desired outputs to guide the model’s behavior. By showing the model concrete examples of what you expect, you help it learn patterns and generate responses that align with those examples.

Example: “Here’s an example of the type of response I’m looking for: When asked about your favorite book, mention ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and explain why it resonated with you.”

The effectiveness of each type of prompt can vary depending on the specific use case and context. It’s essential to experiment with different types of prompts and iterate to find the most effective approach for obtaining accurate and desired outputs from the model.

Roadmap of Becoming a Prompt Engineer

Prompt engineering refers to the process of designing and crafting effective prompts for language models like ChatGPT. It involves formulating clear instructions or queries that guide the model’s behavior and elicit accurate and desired responses. Prompt engineering is a critical aspect of working with language models as it helps shape their outputs and ensures they provide meaningful and relevant information.


The goal of prompt engineering is to provide the model with the necessary context and constraints to generate responses that align with the user’s intent. By carefully constructing prompts, developers and users can improve the quality and relevance of the model’s output. Prompt engineering involves considering factors such as the desired output format, specific information to include or exclude, the desired style or tone, and any additional constraints or requirements.

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