Types of White Blood Cells

White blood cells, are responsible for the immune system. They defend the body against infections and foreign invaders. White blood cells can be broadly classified as:

  • Granulocytes
  • Agranulocytes


These are the white blood cells that lack granules in their cell’s cytoplasm. Agranulocytes are further divided into two types:


Monocytes are large, phagocytic cells. They get converted to macrophages or dendritic cells after reaching tissues. Macrophages engulf and digest pathogens and cellular debris. The dendritic cells are responsible for triggering an immune response.


Lymphocytes are a diverse group of white blood cells. They are responsible for adaptive immunity. There are two types of lymphocytes:

  • B Cells: B cells produce antibodies, that target specific pathogens. When activated, B cells can differentiate into plasma cells, to release antibodies into the bloodstream to fight against invaders.
  • T Cells: T cells help B cells produce antibodies, that directly attack infected cells, and regulate the immune response. There are different types of T cells, such as Helper T cells, Cytotoxic T cells, and Regulatory T cells.


These white blood cells contain granules in the cell cytoplasm. Granulocytes are further divided into three types:


Neutrophils are identified by the presence of a multilobed nucleus. They migrate to sites of infection, where they perform phagocytosis. These are the most abundant kind of granulocytes and help the body in fighting againt bacterial and fungal infections.


They get activated by allergic reactions and inflammation. They release Histamine and other chemicals that contribute to the body’s response to allergens. They are very less in number in the blood.


Eosinophils have a bilobed nucleus and get stained by acidic dye. These help in fighting against parasitic infections as they release chemical toxins which damage the outer membrane of parasites.

Blood: Components, Functions, Disorders and Types

Blood is a fluid present in the body, which is responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products. Red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma are the key components of blood, the essential function of blood is; its role in immunity, clotting, and homeostasis. Blood circulates through arteries and veins, ensuring cellular function and overall health, while also helping in temperature regulation and maintaining pH balance.

In this article, we will study the components of blood, Types of blood cells, Functions of blood, Blood vessels and their types, Disorders of blood, and Blood groups.

Table of Content

  • What is Blood?
  • Components of Blood
  • Types of Blood Cells
  • Types of White Blood Cells
  • Functions of Blood
  • Blood Vessels and their Types
  • Disorders of Blood
  • Blood Groups

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