UGC NET Computer Science Detailed Syllabus 2024

You will get detailed syllabus of each subject below in the table.

Unit – 2 : Computer System Architecture

Digital Logic Circuits and Componentsdetail
Data Representation
Register Transfer and Microoperations
Basic Computer Organization and Design
Programming the Basic Computer
Microprogrammed Control
Central Processing Unit
Pipeline and Vector Processing
Input-Output Organization
Memory Hierarchy

Unit – 3 : Programming Languages and Computer Graphics

Language Design and Translation Issues
Elementary Data Types
  • Properties of Types and Object
  • Scalar and Composite Data types
Programming in C
Object Oriented Programming
Programming in C++
Web Programming
Computer Graphics
2-D Geometrical Transforms and Viewing
3-D Object Representation, Geometric Transformations and Viewing

Unit – 4: Database Management Systems

Database System Concepts and Architecture
Data Modeling
Normalization for Relational Databases
Enhanced Data Models
Data Warehousing and Data Miningel
Big Data Systems

Unit – 5 : System Software and Operating System

System Software
Basic of Operating Systems
Process Management
CPU Scheduling
Memory Management
Storage Management
File and Input/Output Systems
Virtual Machines
Linux Operating System

Scheduling, Memory Management, File Systems, Input and Output; Interprocess Communication, Network Structure.

Windows Operating System
Distributed System

Unit – 6 : Software Engineering

Software Process Models
Software Requirements
Software Design
Software Quality
Estimation and Scheduling of Software Projects
Software Testing
Software Configuration Management

Change Control and Version Control
Software Reuse 
Software Re-engineering

Reverse Engineering.

Unit – 8 : Theory of Computation and Compilers

Theory of Computation
  • Formal Language
  • Non-Computational Problems
  • Diagonal Argument
  • Russels’s Paradox
Regular Language Models
Context Free Language
Turing Machines (TM)
Unsolvable Problems and Computational Complexity
Syntax Analysis
Semantic Analysis
Run Time System
Intermediate Code Generation
Code Generation and Code Optimization

Unit – 9 : Data Communication and Computer Networks

Data Communication
Computer Network
Network Models
Fucntions of OSI and TCP/IP Layers
Network Security
Mobile Technology
Cloud Computing nd IoT

Unit – 10 : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Approaches to AI
Knowledge Representation
  • Logic
  • Semantic Networks
  • Frames
  • Rules Scripts
  • Conceptual Dependency and Ontologies
  • Expert Systems
  • Handling Uncertainty in Knowledge.
  • Components of a Planning System
  • Linear and Non-Linear Planning
  • Goal Stack Planning Hierarchical Planning
  • Partial Order Planning
  • Grammar and Language
  • Parsing Techniques
  • Semantic Analysis and Pragmatics.
Multi Agent System
  • Multi Agent Systems
  • Agents and Objects Agents and Expert Systems
  • Generic Structure of Multiagent System
  • Semantic Web
  • Agent Communication
  • Knowledge Sharing using Ontologies
  • Agent Development Tools
Fuzzy Sets
  • Notion of Fuzziness
  • Membership Functions
  • Fuzzification and Defuzzification
  • Operations on Fuzzy Sets
  • Fuzzy Functions and Linguistic Variables
  • Fuzzy Relations
  • Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Inference
  • Fuzzy Control System and Fuzzy Rule Based Systems
Genetic Algorithm(GA)
  • Encoding Strategies
  • Genetic Operators
  • Fitness Functions and GA Cycle
  • Problem Solving using GA.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  • Supervised
  • Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning
  • Single Perceptron
  • Multi Layer Perceptron
  • Self Organizing Maps
  • Hopfield Network

UGC NET Computer Science Syllabus 2024 PDF Download

UGC NET is a competitive exam that is conducted by NTAs(National Testing Agency). Computer Science and Applications is one of the popular branches of UGC NET. In this article, we are going to discuss the syllabus of Computer Science and Applications and different terms related to Computer Science and Applications.

UGC (University Grants Commission) has already published the syllabus of Computer Science and Applications. Here, we will discuss the exam and its pattern as well as the syllabus in detail.

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