Understanding ERC-20 Tokens

ERC-20 tokens adhere to a standard interface, making them interchangeable and widely supported by various platforms and wallets.

ERC-20 tokens come with a set of essential functions:

  • balanceOf(address): Returns the token balance of a specific address.
  • transfer(address, uint256): Allows the transfer of tokens between addresses.

Let’s create a simplified ERC-20 token contract for our examples:


// A simplified ERC-20 token contract
contract ERC20Token 
  string public name = "Example Token";
  string public symbol = "TOKEN";
  uint8 public decimals = 18;
  uint256 public totalSupply = 1000000 * 10**uint256(decimals);
  mapping(address => uint256) balances;
    balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply;
  function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) 
    return balances[_owner];
  function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool
    require(_to != address(0));
    require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value);
    balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
    balances[_to] += _value;
    return true;

How to List all Tokens of User in Solidity

Ethereum, the main blockchain stage for decentralized applications (DApps), permits designers to make many advanced resources, including tokens. This article focuses on discussing the technique to list all the tokens of a user in Solidity.

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ERC-20 tokens adhere to a standard interface, making them interchangeable and widely supported by various platforms and wallets....

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