Univariate v/s Bivariate

While performing the data analysis if we are considering only one variable to gain insights about it then it is known as the univariate data analysis. But if we are trying to gain insights into one variable with respect to some other variable like calculating correlation or covariance between two variables then this is known as data analysis.

Bivariate analysis helps us establish a relationship between two variables which helps us make better decisions so, that we can manipulate one to cause a positive or negative effect on the other based on the relationship between the two variables. Even though we can use multivariate data analysis to analyze and derive relationships between more than two variables these methodologies are considered to come under the domain of machine learning.

Descriptive Statistic

Whenever we deal with some piece of data no matter whether it is small or stored in huge databases statistics is the key that helps us to analyze this data and provide insightful points to understand the whole data without going through each of the data pieces in the complete dataset at hand. In this article, we will learn about Descriptive Statistics and how actually we can use it as a tool to explore the data we have.

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In Descriptive statistics, we are describing our data with the help of various representative methods using charts, graphs, tables, excel files, etc. In descriptive statistics, we describe our data in some manner and present it in a meaningful way so that it can be easily understood. Most of the time it is performed on small data sets and this analysis helps us a lot to predict some future trends based on the current findings. Some measures that are used to describe a data set are measures of central tendency and measures of variability or dispersion....

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Univariate v/s Bivariate


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