Update Document in MongoDB using Node.js

MongoDB Stores data in BSON format in the documents. Documents are similar to rows in SQL Table. A collection can contain any number of documents. Each document in a collection has an auto-generated unique ID named ” _id”. We can update the documents in the collection using the ID or using any other condition. updateOne() function or updateMany() can be used to update the documents in the MongoDB.

How to Update a Document in MongoDB using NodeJS?

Updating documents in MongoDB is a basic operation for maintaining and managing your database effectively. Node.js, combined with MongoDB, offers a powerful and flexible environment for performing database operations.

In this article we will learn how to update a document from a MongoDB collection, starting from connecting the MongoDB to NodeJS, creating a collection and inserting the documents inside it.

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Update Document in MongoDB using Node.js

MongoDB Stores data in BSON format in the documents. Documents are similar to rows in SQL Table. A collection can contain any number of documents. Each document in a collection has an auto-generated unique ID named ” _id”. We can update the documents in the collection using the ID or using any other condition. updateOne() function or updateMany() can be used to update the documents in the MongoDB....

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