Upgrading Celery in Python

Below are some of the ways by which we can upgrade celery in Python:

Step 1: Check Current Version

Here, we will check the current version of celery installed in our system by using the following command.

pip show celery


Step 2: Upgrade Celery

First, open the command prompt with the administrative user on your system and execute the below command in the prompt to install Celery using PIP.

pip3 install --upgrade celery

Step 3: Verify the Upgradation

Once the installation is completed, our next task is to verify the successful installation. So we can verify it by checking the information about the library. Execute the below command in the prompt to verify.

pip3 show celery


Upgrade Python Celery To Latest Version using PIP

In Python Environment, Celery is the open-source distributed task queue system for Python, mainly designed to execute the tasks asynchronously. This enables the separation of time-consuming resource-intensive tasks from the main application, allowing them to be processed in the background by distributed worker processes. In this article, we will see two different methods to upgrade or install the latest version of the Celery module in Python.

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