How to use Canvas In Javascript

In this example, we’re creating a round slider using the HTML5 Canvas element. The slider allows us to interact by dragging the handle, by updating its angle dynamically. The current value of the slider is displayed in the center of the canvas.

Example: The below code example uses the Canvas element to create a round slider in JavaScript.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example 1</title>
        #sContainer {
            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            position: relative;
            margin: auto;

        #sValue {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            font-size: 16px;

<body style="text-align: center;">
        Creating round slider using Canvas
    <div id="sContainer">
        <canvas id="slider" width="200" 
        <div id="sValue"></div>
        const canvas = 
        const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        const val = 
        const x = canvas.width / 2;
        const y = canvas.height / 2;
        const r = 80;
        let a = Math.PI / 4;
        canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', dragFn);
        canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', drag);
        canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', endFn);
        function drawFn() {
            ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2);
            ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';
            ctx.lineWidth = 20;
            const handleX = x + Math.cos(a) * r;
            const handleY = y + Math.sin(a) * r;
            ctx.arc(handleX, handleY, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2);
            ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
        function valFn() {
            const value = Math.round(a * 180 / Math.PI);
            val.textContent = `Value: ${value}`;
        let temp = false;
        function dragFn(e) {
            temp = true;
        function drag(e) {
            if (!temp) return;
            const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
            a = Math.atan2(e.clientY - - y, 
                e.clientX - rect.left - x);
        function endFn() {
            temp = false;



How to make a Round Slider using JavaScript ?

Round Slider is the UI element that allows us to select a value by dragging a handle along the circumference of the circular track.

The below approaches can be used to accomplish this task.

Table of Content

  • Using Canvas
  • Using jQuery

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