How to use isletter() In MATLAB

The isletter() function is used to find the array of elements that are letters of the alphabet.



Here, isletter(‘string’) is used to return an array the same size as the specified “string” that contains logical true i.e. 1 when the elements of “string” are letters of the alphabet, and logical false i.e. 0 when they are not.



% MATLAB code for isletter() demonstration
% Initializing a cell array
A = {'gfg'; 'gfg1.23GFG'; '5gfg'};
% Calling the cat() function to
% concatenate the data of the above
% cell array into a single string
% one after another
S = cat(2, A{:});
% Calling the isletter() function
% to filter the numeric value 
S(isletter(S)) = []


S = 1.235

How to extract numbers from cell array in MATLAB?

In this article, we are going to discuss the extraction of numbers from the cell array with the help of regexp(), str2double(), cat(), and isletter() functions.

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