How to use PL/SQL Procedures In SQL

Using the PL/SQL procedure is the structured way to the encapsulate the series of SQL and PL/SQL statements into reusable units of the code. Procedures can be accept the input parameters, perform the operations and it returns output values. These are mainly useful for the modularizing the code, improving the maintainability and promoting the code reuse.

Let us take same employee table to retrieve the average salary for the specific department.

Step 1: Create or Replace the procedure

department_id IN NUMBER,
avg_salary OUT NUMBER
SELECT AVG(salary)
INTO avg_salary
FROM employee
WHERE DepartmentID = department_id;


  • We can create the PL/SQL procedure and named as CalculateAvgSalary with the two parameters such as department_id and avg_salary.
  • In the Procedure, we use the SQL query to calculate the average salary of the employee which is related to the specific department.
  • The query result is stores in the avg_salary output parameter with the help of INTO clause.

Step 2: Calling the Procedure

v_avg_salary NUMBER;
CalculateAvgSalary(1, v_avg_salary);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Average Salary for Department 1: ' || v_avg_salary);

For call the procedure and retrieve the average salary for the specific department, you can execute the above PL/SQL block.



In the above output, average salary for Department 1 is 5000.

How to Get Counts of all Tables in a Schema in PL/SQL?

In Database Management System, it is essential to retrieve the statistical information about tables with the schema. Whether it is for monitoring the database health, optimizing the performance, or simply understanding the data structures having access to row counts of the tables can be more valuable.

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Using PL/SQL Procedures

Using the PL/SQL procedure is the structured way to the encapsulate the series of SQL and PL/SQL statements into reusable units of the code. Procedures can be accept the input parameters, perform the operations and it returns output values. These are mainly useful for the modularizing the code, improving the maintainability and promoting the code reuse....


Overall, using PL/SQL for retrieve the row counts for all the tables in a schema provided the powerful and efficient way to the gather statistical information about the database tables. By dynamically querying system tables and execute the dynamic SQL statements, we will automate the process of the counting rows in the each table. This approach is particularly used for the tasks like monitoring database health and identifying the performance bottlenecks and understanding the data distribution in the database schema. By incorporating the PL/SQL-based solutions into the database management workflows and organisations can be streamline monitoring, optimizing and decision making process. To retrieve the counts of all the tables in a schema enhances effectiveness and efficiency of the database administration and tasks of the development and it contributing the overall success of database-driven applications and systems....