How to use STRIPS for Block Stacking in AI In Artificial Intelligence

Problem Statement: Given three blocks labeled A, B, and C, the objective is to stack Block A on Block B, and Block B on Block C.

Initial State Representation

In STRIPS, the initial state of the environment is crucial for defining the problem. For our scenario:

  • OnTable(A) indicates Block A is on the table.
  • OnTable(B) indicates Block B is on the table.
  • OnTable(C) indicates Block C is on the table.

The notation OnTable(X) is used in STRIPS to denote that block X is resting on the table.

Goal State

The goal state specifies the desired arrangement of blocks:

  • On(A,B) means Block A should be on top of Block B.
  • On(B,C) means Block B should be on top of Block C.

Using On(X,Y), we denote that Block X is directly on top of Block Y.

Step-by-Step STRIPS Planning Approach

The solution involves a series of actions, each changing the state of the blocks to move towards the goal state. STRIPS formalizes this with actions defined by preconditions (what must be true before the action) and effects (what becomes true after the action).

1. Action: MoveBlock(A, B)

  • Preconditions:
    • OnTable(A): A is on the table.
    • Clear(B): B has no other blocks on it.
  • Effects:
    • On(A,B): A is now on B.
    • Clear(A): Top of A is clear.
    • ¬OnTable(A): A is no longer on the table.
    • ¬Clear(B): B is no longer clear since A is on it.

This action transitions Block A from the table to being on top of Block B, achieving our first sub-goal On(A,B).

2. Action: MoveBlock(B, C)

  • Preconditions:
    • OnTable(B): B is on the table.
    • Clear(C): C has no other blocks on it.
  • Effects:
    • On(B,C): B is now on C.
    • Clear(B): Top of B is clear.
    • ¬OnTable(B): B is no longer on the table.
    • ¬Clear(C): C is no longer clear since B is on it.

With this action, Block B is moved onto Block C, achieving the second sub-goal On(B,C).


Combining the results of these actions, we find:

  • Final Configuration: Block A is on Block B, and Block B is on Block C. This configuration satisfies our goal state of On(A,B) and On(B,C).

This methodical approach using STRIPS not only simplifies complex problems into manageable actions but also ensures that each step is logically sound, leading to a successful execution in environments such as robotics and automated planning systems.


In AI, planning involves generating a sequence of actions to achieve a specific goal. One of the most influential approaches to automated planning is the Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver, commonly known as STRIPS. Developed in the late 1960s at Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International) by Richard Fikes and Nils Nilsson, STRIPS has laid the groundwork for many of the concepts used in modern AI planning systems.

This article explores the fundamental concepts of STRIPS, its mechanics, and its applications in various fields.

Table of Content

  • What is STRIPS?
  • STRIPS in AI: Leveraging Heuristics and Symbols for Effective Problem Solving
  • How STRIPS Works in AI?
  • Using STRIPS for Block Stacking in AI
  • Applications of STRIPS
  • Applications of STRIPS in AI
  • Limitations and Evolution
  • Conclusion

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