How to use Window Function In SQL

In this approach, we will use one of the ranking window function i.e. ROW_NUMBER() function. This function generally assigns a unique integer id to each row within the partition.

As we know, 75% of 7( total number of rows) is 5. We will display all the records whose row id is grater than our calculated value. This will return us our last 25% rows of our result set.


SELECT id, name, course
COUNT(*) OVER () FROM w3wiki )
WHERE rn > (SELECT FLOOR(COUNT(*) * 0.75) FROM w3wiki);


Explanation: In the above image, we can clearly see that the last 25% rows of the result set are displayed. As ROW_NUMBER() function assigns a default starting value 1 to starting row, 2 for second row and so on. Thus, we have specified a condition to display the rows only if the row number is grater than our calculated value, in this case it is 5. This will eventually gives us our last 25% rows of the result set.

List the Last 25% Rows in a Result Set

Listing the last 25% of rows is a common query that we generally use to detect the recent trend in our data. Fetching the last 25% of rows will give us a brief insight into the most recent trend in our data. In some of the cases, where the data set is too large, analyzing the last 25% rows will help us in quick analytics or reporting.

In this article, we will learn about How to List the Last 25% Rows in a Result Set in SQL with the various methods and examples in detail.

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Overall, listing last 25% rows of the result set is a useful technique when we are dealing with some large data sets. It also help us in analyzing the recent trends in the data and in financial sectors, it helps in knowing the recent transactions. We have seen two most prominent methods through which we can easily solve our problems. We have covered the solution using LIMIT clause and ROW_NUMBER() function. Now you can easily write queries related to it and can get the desired output....