V-I characteristics of SCR

The VI characteristics are also classified into Static and Dynamic characteristics of SCR as follows:

Static V-I Characteristics of SCR

The V-I characteristics of SCR is a graph between the anode current IA and the anode-cathode voltage VA for different values of gate current IG. This characteristics can be drawn by considering the basic operation of the SCR. The below figure shows the V-I characteristics which is also called as static-cathode characteristics. It basically consist of three regions, They are

  • Region 1
  • Region 2
  • Region 3

Static V-I Characteristics of SCR

Region 1: When the positive terminal of the supply is connected to cathode and the negative terminal is connected to anode with gate circuit open then SCR operates in region 1. In this region junction J1 and J3 becomes reverse biased, whereas the junction J2 becomes forward biased. The reverse biased junctions (J1 and J3) acts as open circuit and the forward biased junction(J2) acts as a short circuit, as shown in figure.

From figure it is clear that, the SCR does not conduct any current and it is said to be in reverse blocking state or OFF state. However, a very small amount of leakage current flows through it. Now, if we increase the reverse voltage to the value called as reverse breakdown voltage, then an avalanche will occur and breaks the junction J1 and J3. Due to this a very huge amount of the current flows through the circuit and hence the SCR starts conducting. But this method of conducting SCR or the circuit in which it is working. Hence, we must ensure that the reverse voltage does not exceed the reverse breakdown voltage VAK.

Region 2: When the positive terminal of the supply is connected to anode and the negative terminal is connected to cathode with gate circuit open then SCR operates in region 2. In this region junction J1 and J3 becomes forward biased, whereas the junction J2 gets reverse biased. The forward biased junctions (J1 and J3) acts as short circuit and the reverse biased junction(J2) acts as a open circuit, as shown in figure. Even in this region, the SCR does not conduct any current expect a very small value of the leakage current. This mode of SCR is called as forward blocking mode. Just as the region 1, i. e., reverse blocking mode, the SCR can be made to conduct in the forward blocking mode by increasing the anode-cathode voltage to a value called as forward breakdown voltage(VBO). Even this method is not recommended as it may also damage the SCR. Hence, the SCR does not conduct even in this mode and is treated as open switch.

Region 3: When the positive terminal of the supply is connected to anode and the negative terminal to cathode with gate circuit closed the SCR operates in region 3. In this region, all the three junctions (J1, J2 and J3) act as short circuit shown in figure and hence conducts current. In this region SCR is said to be in a forward conduction mode and hence acts as a closed switch. This method of conducting the SCR is the most efficient, as it requires a voltage which is very much less than VBO. The only extra thing we require is a gate signal for a small period of latching current. Once the anode current attains this value, the gate losses the control and hence can be removed. The removal of the gate signal will not have any effect on the SCR conduction. However, if the anode current decreases to a value called ad holding current, the SCR will once again go back to the forward blocking gate. Hence, care must be taken that, the anode current should not drop below the holding current after the gate signal is removed.

Dynamic or Switching Characteristics of SCR

During turn ON and turn OFF process, thyristor is subjected to different voltages across it and different currents through it. The time variation of the voltage across a thyristor and the current through it during turn ON and turn OFF constitute the switching Characteristics of a thyristor.

Turn ON Switching Characteristics

A forward biased thyristor is turned ON by applying a positive gate voltage between the gate and the cathode, as shown in figure(1).

Circuit Diagram of a Turn ON Switching Characteristics of SCR

Turn ON Switching Characteristics of SCR

Figure(2) , shows the waveforms of the gate current(IG), anode current(IA) and anode to cathode voltage(VAK). The total switching period being much smaller compared to the cycle time, IA and VAK before and after switching will appear flat.

As shown in figure , there is a transition time “Toff” from forward OFF state to forward ON state. This transition time is called the thyristor turn ON time and can be divided into three separate intervals namely, They are

  • Delay time (Td)
  • Rise time (Tr)
  • Spread time ( Tp)

Delay Time (Td)

It is the time between the instant at which the gate current reaches 90% of its final value and the instant at which the anode current reaches 10% of its final value. It is the time taken by the anode voltage to fall from VAK to 0.9 VAK

Rise Time (Tr)

For a resistive load, “rise time” is the time taken by the anode current to rise from 10% of its final value to 90% of its final value. At the same time, the voltage VAK falls from 90% of its initial value to 10% of its initial value. However, current rise and voltage fall characteristics are strongly influenced by the type of the load. For inductive load the voltage falls faster than the current. While, for a capacitive load, current rises rapidly.

Spread Time ( Tp)

It is the time taken by the anode current to rise from 90% of its final value to 100%. During this time conduction spreads over the entire cross-section of the cathode of the thyristor. The spreading interval depends on the area of the cathode and on the gate structure of the thyristor.

Silicon Controlled Rectifier

The SCR or thyristor is one type of semiconductor device and using in high-power switching applications is exceptionally planned. The working of this device should be possible in a switching mode only and acts as a switch. When the SCR is triggered by its gate terminal into the transmission, then it will supply the current constantly. While planning a SCR or Thyristor circuit, exceptional focus ought to be expected for enacting the circuit. This article examines various techniques for SCR setting off or SCR turn ON strategies or setting off of Thyristors. There are different setting off strategies are accessible in light of different substances which incorporate temperature, voltage, and so on.

Table of Content

  • Silicon Controlled Rectifier
  • Key Terminologies
  • Construction
  • Operation
  • Modes of Operation
  • Types
  • Advantages of SCR

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V-I characteristics of SCR

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Types of SCR

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Turn ON methods of an SCR

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Advantages of SCR

Fast switching speed: SCRs can turn on and off somewhat rapidly, which is significant for applications requiring exact timing and control. Good thermal stability: SCRs can deal with high temperatures without critical execution corruption, making them reasonable for high-temperature conditions. High current and voltage handling capacity: SCRs are equipped for taking care of high current and voltage levels, making them reasonable for power control applications. Low conduction losses: When in the “on” state, SCRs have low voltage drop and negligible power scattering, which brings about proficient conduction. Easy gate control: The terminating of a SCR is constrained by applying a door current, making it simple to set off and control. High reliability: SCRs have a long functional life and can endure cruel ecological circumstances, making them dependable for the overwhelming majority modern applications....

Disadvantages of SCR

Gate triggering can be sensitive to noise: The door setting off instrument of SCRs can be delicate to electrical commotion, so legitimate assurance and separating might be vital. Unidirectional conduction: SCRs lead current in only one bearing, making them unacceptable for applications that require bidirectional control of current. Potential for voltage spikes: At the point when a SCR is switched off, it can produce voltage spikes in the circuit, which might require extra defensive parts. Lack of inherent turn-off capability: When a SCR is set off (turned on), it will stay in the “on” state until the ongoing through it dips under a specific limit or is switched. This can be a constraint in certain applications. Limited frequency response: SCRs are not appropriate for high-recurrence applications because of their mood killer attributes and entryway control constraints. Higher cost compared to some alternatives: At times, SCRs might be more costly than other semiconductor gadgets, like MOSFETs or IGBTs, for explicit applications....

Applications of SCR

Voltage Regulation: In applications like voltage controllers and stabilizers, SCRs are utilized to control the result voltage and keep up with it inside a predetermined reach, guaranteeing a steady power supply to delicate gear. Protection Devices: SCRs can act as security gadgets in flood silencers, where they redirect overabundance voltage and current to protect electronic gear from voltage spikes and floods. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS): SCRs are utilized in UPS frameworks to change from network capacity to battery power during blackouts, guaranteeing a nonstop and solid power supply to basic gear. Power Control: SCRs are broadly utilized in power control applications, for example, dimmer switches for lighting, engine speed control, and stage point control for warming components. They can direct how much power conveyed to a heap by controlling the terminating point of the SCR. Rectification: SCRs can be utilized as high-power rectifiers in power supplies and battery chargers, changing over rotating current (AC) into direct current (DC). They are especially valuable in applications that require high voltage and current levels, as modern rectifiers. Thyristor Control Panels: SCRs are used in thyristor control boards for the productive control of different modern cycles and apparatus, like electric curve heaters, welding machines, and modern stoves. High-Power Heating: SCRs are utilized for exact control of electric warming components in applications like electric ovens, furnaces, and modern heaters. Energy Conservation: SCRs are utilized in energy protection frameworks to streamline the power factor and decrease energy utilization in modern plants and offices. Soft Starters: SCRs are utilized in delicate starter circuits to step by step increase the voltage and flow to electric engines, diminishing mechanical pressure and limiting inrush flow, which can expand the life expectancy of the engine and decrease mileage. Light Dimming: In dramatic lighting and a few modern settings, SCRs are utilized to control the force of lighting apparatuses and lights, giving smooth and exact darkening control....

FAQs on Silicon Controlled Rectifier

What is an SCR?...