Various options available in Opera Developer Tools

Elements Tab:

In this tab, developers can not only view the HTML code of the active web page but also inspect and modify the CSS styles applied to different elements. It offers a detailed view of the Document Object Model (DOM), allowing developers to navigate through the structure of the page and make real-time changes to see their effects instantly.

Console Tab:

The Console tab in Opera Developer Tools is a powerful tool for debugging JavaScript code. It not only displays errors, warnings, and log messages but also allows developers to interact with the page’s JavaScript environment. Developers can execute JavaScript code directly in the console, inspect variables, and even set breakpoints to debug complex issues.

Sources Tab:

Opera’s Sources tab provides a comprehensive view of all the resources loaded by the web page, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other files. It allows developers to debug JavaScript files, set breakpoints, and step through code execution. The Sources tab also supports live editing of CSS and JavaScript files, making it easy to experiment with changes.

Network Tab:

The Network tab in Opera Developer Tools provides detailed insights into all network activity related to the web page. It displays information about every resource loaded by the page, including its type, size, and loading time. Developers can use this tab to analyze network performance, identify slow-loading resources, and optimize the page’s loading speed.

Performance Tab:

Opera’s Performance tab is a valuable tool for analyzing the performance of a web page. It provides a timeline view of various events such as loading, scripting, rendering, and painting, allowing developers to identify bottlenecks and optimize the page’s performance. The Performance tab also offers profiling tools for analyzing JavaScript execution and memory usage.

Memory Tab:

The Memory tab in Opera Developer Tools helps developers analyze the memory usage of a web page. It provides insights into JavaScript memory allocation, DOM nodes, and event listeners, allowing developers to identify memory leaks and optimize memory usage for better performance.

Application Tab:

Opera’s Application tab is a comprehensive tool for managing various aspects of web applications. It allows developers to inspect and manage local storage, session storage, cookies, and caches. The Application tab also provides tools for managing service workers and manifests, enabling developers to troubleshoot and optimize web applications for better performance and reliability.

Security Tab:

The Security tab in Opera Developer Tools provides information about the security status of a web page. It displays details about the site’s security settings, including whether it is served over HTTPS, any mixed content warnings, and potential security vulnerabilities. Developers can use this tab to ensure that their websites are secure and comply with best practices for web security.

Uses of Opera Developer Tools

Opera developer tools are a set of features available in the Opera browser for web developers, designed to enhance the efficiency of website development by providing various useful tools. These tools enable developers to perform tasks such as viewing the entire code of a web page, monitoring API calls, and accessing responses where permitted. They open in a separate tab that can be docked, resized, and even moved to a new window, offering flexibility in their usage.

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