Verbose Mode

It allows representing a regular expression in a more readable way. Let’s look at the below code.


import re
match ="""(?P<first_two>[\d]{2})  # The first two digits
          -                           # A literal python 
          (?P<last_three>[\d]{3})     # The last three digit
          """, '25-542', re.VERBOSE)


<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 6), match='25-542'>

The Verbose flag treats # character as a comment character and also ignores all the whitespace characters including the line break.

Python Flags to Tune the Behavior of Regular Expressions

Python offers some flags to modify the behavior of regular expression engines. Let’s discuss them below: 

  1. Case Insensitivity
  2. Dot Matching Newline
  3. Multiline Mode
  4. Verbose Mode
  5. Debug Mode

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Case Insensitivity

The re.IGNORECASE allows the regular expression to become case-insensitive. Here, the match is returned based on the case of the provided string, not the string in the regular expression....

Dot Matching Newline


Multiline mode

By using re.DOTALL flag, you can modify the behavior of dot (.) character to match the newline character apart from other characters. Before using the DOTALL flag, let’s look into how regular engine responds to the newline character....

Verbose Mode


Debug Mode
