Vim (Vi IMproved)

Vim, short for “Vi IMproved,” is an enhanced, improved, and extended version of the Vi text editor. Developed by Bram Moolenaar in the early 1990s, Vim builds upon the foundation of Vi while adding numerous features and improvements. It is a more feature-rich and upgraded version of the Vi editor. It includes all the features of Vi but also adds additional features as well.


  • Vim has all the functionality of Vi while adding numerous enhancements and features.
  • It includes syntax highlighting.
  • Allows search and replace with regular expressions.
  • Has support for extensive customization through plugins and scripting.
  • Has an active and dedicated user community.
  • It is available on various platforms, including Unix-like systems, Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Vi (Visual Editor)

Vim (Vi IMproved)

Original text editor with a minimalistic design

Enhanced version of Vi with additional features

Vi is a modal text editor

Vim is also a modal text editor but with additional modes

Does not support syntax highlighting

Supports syntax highlighting

Limited customization

Extensive customization

Does not have plugins and script support

Supports plugins and scripts

Discontinued and does not provide community support

Has an active and dedicated community support

Does not have search and replace functionality

It has search and replace functionality

Vi vs. Vim: Choosing the First Right Text Editor

Vi and Vim are both text editors used primarily in Unix-like operating systems, although they are available on various platforms. They both are powerful text editors known for their efficient text manipulation and keyboard-driven interface. Whether you should learn Vi before Vim depends entirely on you, your requirements, and your specific goals and needs. Vim is an extended, enhanced, and improved version of Vi, and it includes all the functionality of Vi along with many additional features. Here are some factors to consider while deciding whether to go with “vi” or “vim” before starting.


Minimalism: Vi has a minimalistic design. Learning Vi first can give you a solid understanding of the basics and may make it easier to transition to Vim later.

Efficient Workflow: If your primary goal is to use the powerful and advanced text-manipulation capabilities of Vim then it would be better to start with Vim directly.

Older Systems: On the other hand if your goal is to work on older systems or simply want a minimalistic text editing experience, Vi might be your go-to choice.

Learning Curve: Vim has a steeper learning curve compared to Vi because of its additional features.

Vim is the more widely used and powerful option overall, so sooner or later, you may want to transition to Vim for a more feature-rich text editing experience.

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Vi (Visual Editor)

Vi, short for “Visual Editor,” is a widely used text editor in Unix-like operating systems. It was developed by Bill Joy in the late 1970s. It is widely known for its powerful text manipulation capabilities....

Vim (Vi IMproved)

Vim, short for “Vi IMproved,” is an enhanced, improved, and extended version of the Vi text editor. Developed by Bram Moolenaar in the early 1990s, Vim builds upon the foundation of Vi while adding numerous features and improvements. It is a more feature-rich and upgraded version of the Vi editor. It includes all the features of Vi but also adds additional features as well....


In conclusion, Vi is the original text editor with a minimalistic design with a focus on speed and efficiency, while Vim is an enhanced version of Vi with additional features, better user interface improvements, and enhancements. The choice of whether one should learn Vi before Vim entirely depends upon the individual’s requirements and goals. But it is highly recommended to start with Vim as it is built on top of the vi editor and provides almost all the features and functionalities that vi provides....