Virtual On-site Round 1 (Coding)

  • This round was a one hour scheduled coding interview with a Senior Software Engineer at Affirm. The interview commenced with a short introduction by the interviewer and me.
  • Following that, the interviewer shared a CodePair link and he pasted the question description along with some sample inputs & outputs. I had the freedom to code in any programming language of my choice.
  • The question asked was Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) – Duplicates Allowed.
  • I was able to solve the basic question in 30 minutes. Additionally, as a follow-up he asked to implement delete function with a twist that there can be duplicates as well and the function should run in constant time O(1).
  • I tried till the last minute but was not able to achieve it in O(1) and the time exhausted.
  • Lastly, interviewer provided me with an opportunity to ask about any question that I might have. I asked him about few challenges he faced in his project at Affirm.

Tip: Always use the opportunity to ask the interviewer a little about his project, challenges, company’s tech stack or missions to show that you are genuinely interested in joining the company.

Affirm Interview Experience for Software Engineer Virtual On-site Round 1

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Virtual On-site Round 1 (Coding):

This round was a one hour scheduled coding interview with a Senior Software Engineer at Affirm. The interview commenced with a short introduction by the interviewer and me. Following that, the interviewer shared a CodePair link and he pasted the question description along with some sample inputs & outputs. I had the freedom to code in any programming language of my choice. The question asked was Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) – Duplicates Allowed. I was able to solve the basic question in 30 minutes. Additionally, as a follow-up he asked to implement delete function with a twist that there can be duplicates as well and the function should run in constant time O(1). I tried till the last minute but was not able to achieve it in O(1) and the time exhausted. Lastly, interviewer provided me with an opportunity to ask about any question that I might have. I asked him about few challenges he faced in his project at Affirm....