Vue.JS installation

There are the following ways to install Vue.JS:

  • Directly including CDN file
<script src=""></script>
  • Install it using NPM

Write the following command in the terminal

npm install vue

How to create instance in Vue.js ?

A Vue.js Instance refers to a Vue constructor’s instance in the Vue application. It acts as a container that holds your application’s data and methods. Vue.js implements the Component-Based Architecture that enables the generation of these instances, in order to represent and manage individual components or specific sections of the Vue Application. Each Instance is responsible for performing the specific task that enhances the functionality & interface of the web application. In this article, we will learn how to create a VueJS instance.

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Vue.JS installation

There are the following ways to install Vue.JS:...


To create an instance in VueJS, follow the below steps:...