Wandering Albatross – Lifespan and Eating Habits

The Wandering Albatross has a maximum lifespan of more than 50 years. These birds mainly feed on fish and jellyfish along with seals, carrion, penguins, and dead whales near the sea shores. They can consume up to 3Kg of food in a single sitting. Albatross also has a very good smelling power which helps them to smell food in water from 10 miles away. These birds are also capable of spending more than 5 years at sea without touching land and continuing their flying journey during moderate temperatures.

World’s Largest Sea Bird – Wandering Albatross

The Wandering Albatross is the largest sea bird on the earth and is found all around the world. It is also called by various names such as Snowy Albatross, Goonie, or White Winged Albatross, and has an incredible wingspan length of about 3.5m(11 ft). The weight of a Wandering Albatross is about 6Kg to 12kg and is mainly found in Southern oceans like The Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic. They have a white body and head with a beak of pinkish color and with black and white wings. Let’s get to know more about the world’s largest sea bird – Wandering Albatross in this article. 

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Wandering Albatross – Lifespan and Eating Habits

The Wandering Albatross has a maximum lifespan of more than 50 years. These birds mainly feed on fish and jellyfish along with seals, carrion, penguins, and dead whales near the sea shores. They can consume up to 3Kg of food in a single sitting. Albatross also has a very good smelling power which helps them to smell food in water from 10 miles away. These birds are also capable of spending more than 5 years at sea without touching land and continuing their flying journey during moderate temperatures....

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