Wave Motion Characteristics

The main characteristics of the wave motion is as follows:

  • In a medium, the particles vibrate their mean positions. The particles of the medium do not move.
  • It travels at the same speed in all directions in a medium.
  • The speed of a wave motion depends upon the nature of the medium through which it moves.
  • Energy, pressure and momentum etc. are transferred from one point of the medium to another point. During this transfer, there is no move of the matter.

Few other Characterstics of wave motion are explained below:

  • Amplitude
  • Period
  • Wavelength
  • Frequency
  • Wave velocity

Amplitude (A)

The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of any particle of the medium from its original or mean position. For describing the size of wave, amplitude is used. It is denoted by letter A and it’s SI unit is metre (m).

Period (T)

The period of a wave is the time taken by two consecutive rarefactions or compressions to a fixed point or in other word, any particle of the medium to complete one vibration or oscillation during a period (T). Time period is denoted by letter T and it’s SI unit is Second (S). Time period is inversely proportional to frequency.

Time period = 1/Frequency

Wavelength (λ)

Wavelength is the length between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions. Wavelength is denoted by lambda and it’s SI unit is metre (m).

Frequency (f)

Frequency is the number of vibrations made per second by any particles of the medium (f = 1/T). The frequency of a wave does not change with change in medium. It’s SI unit is hertz ( Hz).

Wave Velocity (v)

Distance travelled per second by a wave is called wave velocity. It defines the speed of the wave. It is denoted by letter v. It’s SI unit is metre per second (m/s or ms-1).

Wave Motion

Wave Motion refers to the transfer of energy and momentum from one point to another in a medium without actually transporting matter between the two points. Wave motion is a kind of disturbance from place to place. Wave can travel in solid medium, liquid medium, gas medium, and in a vacuum. Sound waves, light waves, ocean waves, seismic waves, and microwaves are examples of wave motion.

Through this article, we will learn more about wave motion, types of waves, wave motion characteristics, and some important terms related to wave motion.

Table of Content

  • What is Wave Motion?
  • Classification of Wave Motion
  • Wave Motion Characteristics
  • Important Terms Related to Wave Motion

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